Switched 2

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Tamori's P.O.V

"Mommy?" I called out and then he suddenly gave me a surprised look.

"Did you really just called me 'Mommy'?!!" He gasped as he pulled Daddy up making him stand. Daddy also looked a bit surprised but was still frightened of... Something.

With a confused look I got off from the bed I was lying on and walk over to them. They looked pretty hesitant when I was making my way towards them.

Are they afraid of me?

"What's wrong?" I ask as I look at Mommy again. That's when I realized that he was crying but... Smiling at the same time?..


"OH MY-- TORDYY! SHE ACTUALLY CALLED ME MOMMY!!" Mommy squeals as he jumps up and down while Daddy was hiding behind him. Daddy was observing me.


He jolted back into his hiding before Mommy gasped again, "OH MY G-- SHE CALLED YOU 'DADDY' TORDY!!"

What is going on here?.. Why are they acting as if I have never once called them Mommy and Daddy before. Why is mommy showing his smile instead of his usual "-_-" expression? Why is daddy acting as if he is a coward?...


"Purple Leader"...

I look back at them, "Am I in a different Universe?" I ask, pulling this.. Different Mommy's sleeve gently. He then bends down to my level still wearing a smile and is wiping his tears,

"We don't know what you're talking about but I'm so glad that you're not that mean to us anymore! You finally addressed us as your parents!!!" He squeals as he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm... Mean?"

"Yeah, you're so mean to us Tammy, but mostly to Tordy. He's scared of you because you keep on yelling at him. Cursing at him as if he was nothing... But I'm glad you changed! It makes me happy!!" He.. 'Tom' squealed again.

I looked up to 'Tord' and I noticed how he jolted. He IS afraid of me.

I push Tom away gently, "you aren't my Mommy and Daddy aren't you?" I asked, both of them gave me confused expressions which I already predicted.

"But you are made from our DNA with the help of Ed--"

"No.. I mean.. I'm not from.. YOUR universe.. What I mean is..  I'M from a different universe. And not yours." I explained, now I'm fully aware that they aren't my REAL parents. But the thought of talking to them like this is really painful...

Come to think of it...

"Wait.. Wait.. You... Aren't our... Tammy?" Tom asks as he backs away from me. I nod, "I'm afraid so... Yeah..."

"So... If you aren't our Tammy.. Where is she?"

I brought a hand up to my face as I think, if I'm in her universe.. Would their be any possibility for her to get to a different one?... No I don't think so..

My eyes widened as I grab my hair and pulled a bit hard on it. They tried to stop me but the look on my face made them stop,

"Tammy.. I mean.. Hey, what's wrong?"

I look back up to Tord, "You told me that your Tamori is mean! Right?!"

"W-well.. Yeah.." Tord replied as he slowly hid behind Tom.

"THEN WE SHOULD FIND A WAY TO GET US BACK TO OUR ORIGINAL UNIVERSES!" I yelled as I rushed out of the room with them following behind me.

"Sweetie, what's the rush! You're starting to scare us!"

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