Their Guardian

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(School Guard AU. My au. Lol. Where Tord is an elementary school guard and Tom is the guardian of Edd and Matt who went to the school. He's basically the one picking them up from school.

Tord- 21
Tom- 20
Edd- 6 (grade 1)
Matt- 7 (grade 1)

Sorry that was long.)

Tord's P.O.V

First day of school and it's already exhausting. Kid's are running everywhere and me being a guard, tries to stop them from cutting their knees, bumping their heads, crying.. ECT ECT...

It's already dismissal and the kid's parents or guardians are just coming and going until the kids were countable. Finally.. I'll get some rest soon.. I've been working here since I got out of collage so pretty much I've been well known here as the kid's 'third parent' but since this grade 1 kids are new comers.. they pretty much don't know anything about me.

But some were already warming up to me.. Sometimes they've been asking me to play house with them while waiting for their guardians. Which was actually fun and comforting.

I let my eyes wonder everywhere throughout the kids running and shouting all around. My attention eventually landed on Two kids, they were only sitting in the sand box.. minding their own business.. the shortest kid had dark brown hair and the other had orange hair.

They seemed to be enjoying each other's company..

"Well, that's some well-behaved kids" I mumbled to myself while leaning myself on the school gate.

"I know right."

I flinched and whip my head to the sudden voice's direction. There stood a guy.. maybe around the same age as me, he has brown hair, soft tanned skin, soft looking lips and.. two black voids as his.. eyes?

"O-oh I.. um" I stumbled upon words. He giggled, "sorry, I must have startled you with my 'eyes', am I right?"

"N-NO! They're actually... Umm.." my words trailed off to Narnia.. I immediately face palmed. He only gave me a smile, "I've come to pick up those two "Well-behaved" kids. It's dismissal now, am I right?" He ask, I let out a chuckle realizing he says 'am I right?' a lot.

"Yeah, it is." I say, he smile a bit and then looked over the toddlers running and shouting everywhere. His jaw dropped, "wow."

I laughed at his cute reaction.. the fuck?.. I just called some kid's guardian.. not to mention.. a guy. CUTE.

I scratched my nape, "I.. I'll go get them for you." I say and walked off to go over the two kids. Their gazes shot up to me as I walk closer and lowered myself to their level.

"Hey kids.. uhh.. i-is that your.. parent over there?" I asked pointing towards the guy resting his head on the school gate. The boy with brown hair stood up smiling, "yeah! He's cousin!" He say.

'I guess he still hasn't learn to speak much yet' I thought and giggled to the fact that the guy is not a parent but a cousin. The boy with orange hair stood up, flashing a smile, "Come Eddy. Let's go home! Tommy's waiting!" They immediately hold hands and ran towards the guy with opened arms.

I watched from afar as they shared a hug and walk out.

Oh wait.. shit! I didn't ask if he's single!

I raced to the gate and swung my head outside to look for the guy. There he was.. meter away from the school, carrying the brown haired boy and holding the hands with the other one.

"UH! UMM-- BE CAREFUL!!" I shouted, making their heads shot back at me.

'wow. Good job Tord.'

He seemed surprised at first but he soon smiled and waved at me. The two kids did the same before they continued walking away.

I slump my body over the gate, feeling a bit embarrassed of how I acted.. "oh my God.." I groaned covering my face with my hands.

"Oohh~ is somebody in love?" Someone cooed.

"F off Paul." I say still covering my face. This is the first time I've ever felt this way towards a kid's guardian.. I've met a hot girl, beautiful girl, cute.. pretty much any different GIRL guardians.. but none of them made me act like this. Only that guy.

"Shouldn't be teachers be like.. computing grades? And where's Patryk?"

He snorts, "nah, it's the first day of school, Idiot. And He's still in the clinic, cleaning up for tomorrow."

I laughed, "oh yeah." I lift my head up and look at the direction where the guy went. Sighing to myself.. Paul eventually noticed and smiled,

"So, what's his name?"


TordTom OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now