Lead to my Fate?

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No one's P.O.V

"Y-you know my name?"

"Yeah, you're that famous social media person... thingy.. sorry I don't know what to call you guys."

"You don't go on social media much, huh?"

"Yeah, all I know is that people in there like to portray characters. In short they like to fool people around."

"Pfftt.. haha you're not so bad."

"You're not so bad yourself."

"Hey.. do you believe in fate?"

Tord sat up on his bed while rapidly panting. He stared down on his hands while feeling more confused.

"6th time this week..." Tord mumbled to himself. Ever since he moved to London and entered a university, he has been having dreams of a certain person.

Every dream starts off on a field of grass to where Tord was relaxing.. then came a... person. Who stayed and chat with him.. soon enough they became friends.

Of course, Tord would always be bothered why he was having those dreams. And it bothered him the most when he realized the dream only repeated ONE scene and nothing else.

He never believed in Fate or destiny or any type of cliché shit. He just doesn't like to believe those fairytale stuff. But in his dream.. he and that person would always speak about fate.

Which made him more confused when he found out that the person wears the same uniform as he does.

"Weird.." he said to himself as he takes his phone beside his bed and opens his social media. He was a social media star, because of his looks mostly. Every girl would drool over him, his looks and his thick accent.

"Pfftt.. they are such fools." Tord laughed and stretched his arms out. He likes to 'play' around with people. A lot. Girls would come and give themselves away to Tord.. to which Tord would always declined.

Thus it started a rumor that he was gay. Thought he didn't really bother caring. He was certain he was straight so being called gay was nothing since he thinks it isn't true.

"Another day.. I hope I aced the test... nah, who am I kidding. I always do." Tord said and got up to prepare for the day.

Time skip~

"Yo, Tord." Matt greeted as soon as he steps in the school gate.

"Sup." Tord replied while putting his hands into his jacket's pockets. Matt grinned pointing at a student from far away. Tord followed who he was pointing to.

There stood a boy with his bangs over his eyes. He had brown hair and chubby cheeks. Tord glared back to Matt who was seemingly drooling over the dude.

He elbowed Matt's chest making the other kneel and groan in pain.

"Are you seriously liking him? He's a fucking loser." Tord said as he look down on his friend.

"Well.. at least.. I've got someone I like! Plus! He handed out free cookies earlier! God you're such a fucking Demon." Matt retorted, Tord rolled his eyes in response and looked back to the boy his friend likes.

He noticed he was talking with someone, someone.. who had their hair up in spikes, their skin had this beautiful tan color and their eyes were both all black.. like voids.

Tord felt a familiar feeling inside his chest and he didn't realize he was already staring. Matt soon noticed Tord's silence so he lifted his head up and looked over to his friend who was now blushing out of nowhere.

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