Sleepless nights

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Requested by: @Sonolmira

I changed some little elements in your request because I didn't want all of them going into an Art school. I wanted different courses to be involved.

(Illustrator Tord x Designer Tom


Tom's P.O.V

"Tom.." my friend Matt calls out from the other room. I groan, "Matt, I'm trying to finish this design for our year book so please I'm trying to concentrate!" I reply before going back to my work.

I recently just got into collage and I took arts and designs as my course. I thought it'd be peaceful because everyone would have the same interests.

Well not until.. I met my dorm mates. I later realized that the collage I went to actually has other courses as well. But every course is a separate building.

So I guess in dorms.. all the students on different courses are mixed.

Edd is a HUMMS student, serving to public and stuff. He is pretty cool and he gets no sleepless nights which is pretty lucky.

Matt is a.. ABM student, he is pretty loud at day and also at night.. bragging about new products to us. He constantly comes in my room and ask me to sleep with him because of his nightmares.

Then theres.. Tord.

An Arts and Designs Student. Pretty much the one that annoys me all the time. It was pretty good that we didn't get the same classes because he's into arts and I'm into designs.

Which was pretty good!!


We don't get a long.

"Tom!" Matt whines, making me shake in annoyance... I am 100% done if he calls out to me again...


I ran to his room and kick his door open. He was in his bed, hugging his pillow tight. I went over to him and crossed my arms,


"What do you want?"

"I can't sleep--"

"I know. But what does it have to do with me?"

I heard a loud thud from one of the rooms. I quickly assumed it's Tord because Edd would be fast asleep in his room.. and since he is an Arts and Designs student. He has his fair share of sleepless nights.

"Sleep with me!" Matt pleaded with his puppy eyes, I jolted and jumped away from him.

"Ew! No! That's fucking gay!" I replied as a blush creeped on my face. Not to lie.. but Matt's a pretty hot guy.. no homo tho.

"No it's not! Just sleep with me!" He retorted back as he sat up.

"No! Wtf Matt!"

"Tom! Come on!"

"I told you no! That's gay!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not! Come on Tommyyyy" Matt teased as he stood up from his bed and went closer to me. His pajama shirt was slightly open.. exposing a little bit of his chest..

I stepped back in defense, "Matt wtf.."

"Come on Tom! Sleep with me!"

"Dude! Don't yell! You'll make the others get the wrong Idea!"

TordTom OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now