Take care of them

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(This is gonna be a bunch of drabbles {yeah, I learned a new 'word' XD} about Tord being blind and it's all Tom's fault.)

This is gonna be short as well ,_, I think...



"Tom?" Tord called out as he reaches his owns hands out in the air. Trying to find a certain person whom he misses dearly. Finally when he moved his hands on his left, he felt something soft and fluffy.

Tord let out a laugh, "Oh, found you Jehovah." He says as he playfully messes Tom's already messy hair. Tom kept quite.

"Tom? Hey? Why is it so dark? Can you turn on the lights?" The Norwegian asks, unaware that he was talking to Tom's hair. Tord slowly lowered his hands, feeling Tom's eyes and nose.

Tord was brought to a pause when he felt something wet and puffy, "Tom?" Tord called out, still... Tom didn't answer, Tom intertwined his own fingers with his own. Squeezing himself tightly as his breath slowly hitched down in his throat.

Tord perked up in panic, "Are you crying?"


"Tom?! Why are you crying?!"


"Tommy baby, please answer.. Why are you crying?" Tord pleaded as he slowly caresses Tom's cheeks softly. Wiping Tom's tears with the back of his palm softly. He could feel Tom shaking slightly which brought him into more panic.

"Tom? Please tell me what's wrong.."


"Is it night already? I can't see anything.. It's dark... Open the lights.. I can't see you.."

"I can't Tord! The light is already on! Okay?!"


"Tom?" Tord asked, fiddling with the bandages wrapped around his body. He was numb and he could not feel any pain which was not actually a surprise to Tom. He knew Tord has pain tolerance,

"Stop doing that Tord." Tom murmured, but Tord heard him very loud and clear.


"You'll reopen your wounds."

Tord moved into touching and feeling his own face, He felt scratch marks.

"I told you. STOP."

With that said Tord kept his hands dropped beside him. Scared of making his lover getting mad and stressed because of him.


Matt sat on the chair beside Tord's bed, jolting Tord up in his sleep.

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