Sleepless nights 2

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(Read: Sleepless Nights 1 if you haven't read it yet.


No One's P.O.V

"You seem.. distracted?" Edd cooed while still keeping his head stuck in a book. Tord finally shot out of his trance and snorts at his friend, "what're you talking about?"

"So what happened last night? Seems like you're not able to get your eyes off of Tom" Edd cooed again but with time with a smirk traced on his lips. Tord blushed as he glances at Tom again, who was talking to Matt.

"I-.. well.." Tord started as he kept looking at Tom. Tom and Matt were currently the ones ordering thier food so they had to line up.

"Nothing happened..." Tord murmured as he kept his eyes on Tom. Observing his looks and his figure not noticing he was slowly taking one tissue in Matts bag. Edd raised his head to observe his friend.

He knew Tord since they were little so he knew what's Tord like when he finds something 'attractive'. Tord slowly takes out his blue pen and starts scribbling Tom on the tissue without taking his eyes off from Tom.

Edd hummed as he watched Tord sketch Tom.

"Aahh... Love."

"Wha-- I don't love Jehovah!!" Tord suddenly yelled in defense, jolting Edd and the other costumers around them. Tom and Matt only looked at Tord with a surprised expression.

Soon a blush flushed on both Tord and Tom's cheeks but Tom went back to his business while Tord pulled his hoddie over to cover himself.

"I didn't mention any names.... tho?" Edd said, holding a laugh to himself. Tord was now a blushing mess, constantly trying to save himself from his own mistake. Of course, he failed badly.

Everyone went back with their business. But Tord and Tom still couldn't stop their heart from beating fast.

"Just admit it. You like him. It's obvious." Edd said as he went back to reading his book,

"it's that obvious?!" Tord asked,

"Well no one stares literally at a person without blinking. See." Edd points at Tord's finished sketch of Tom.

"You were staring at him intensively while sketching this."

Edd then takes the tissue,

"I must say, you are a great artist like Tom. Just look at the details.. wow." Edd complimented as his eyes sparkled at Tord's sketch. Tord however wasn't listening and was only staring at the ceiling, thinking about what happened last night with him and Tom.

Edd noticed Tord went to space again, he chuckled, "Are you gonna show this to Tom?"

"Show me what?" Tom interrupted behind Edd as he placed a tray of food on their table along with Matt. Tord snapped back to reality after Edd gave Tom the tissue Tord sketched on.

"Yeah! He drew you while you were still lining up." Edd cooed, Tom looked at Tord's sketch with a blush tainted on his cheeks. Tom looked up to Tord who was already staring at him.

They quickly averted their eyes as soon as their eyes met for a second.

Soon they continued with their lunches, telling stories about their collage projects and so on. Tord kept his eyes on Tom and Tom's eyes was fidgeting, looking at Tord then back to Edd and Matt.

When they all finished up their lunch, they all decided to go back to their dorm. Tord felt disappointed to himself that he couldn't even talk to Tom after what happened.

He sighed as he takes his bag, he was about to follow Edd and Matt to their car but suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Tom holding up the tissue.

"Here." Tom murmured as Tord took the tissue. Both blushed again when they felt their fingertips brush against each other.

"Thanks.." Tord replied as he opens up the tissue. Now their was a drawing of him beside Tom but it was drawn with a red pen with other designs in the background. His gaze shot back up to Tom who was already a blushing mess.


"The drawing looks nice b-but he looked lonely s-so I drew a.. special someone for him.." Tom finished then ran out of the restaurant.

"T-tho..mas.." Tord called out as he looked back to their sketches again. He saw how great Tom was with illustrating a human.

Tord thought that Tom only knew how to illustrate landscapes, dresses, houses and other stuff.

'The drawing looks nice b-but he looked lonely s-so I drew a.. special someone for him..'  Tord thought as he walked out and walked to the car where he saw Edd, Matt and Tom waiting for him.

His eyes rested on Tom who was blushing while looking down,

"A.. special someone.." Tord murmured, he looked at the tissue again and gave it a kiss before hiding it on his pocket.

Soon he found himself smiling to himself like the idiot he was.

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