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(Reboot au [my au] - where their past selves are the opposite day au.


No One's P.O.V

"Hey now.." Tom whispered as he brushed off the hair that was covering Tord's eye. They were both at the hospital, where Tom is lying on a bed covered by a white comfy blanket with a breathing mask on. He had multiple wires connected to his body to determine if his body was still intact with the possibilities to live.

Tord on the other hand was just holding his hand, praying for his friend to be okay. He was visibly shaking, his hands started turning cold from it. His eyes is starting to swell and he wanted to cry. But he promised he wouldn't. He promised himself he wouldn't dare to cry.

Even if Tom dies.

Tord looked up to Tom, when seeing how pale and thin Tom got he quickly looked back down. Shutting his eyes close as he could feel his heart ache.

Tom frantically frown his eyebrows playfully, "Tordy, are you ignoring my gaze?" He barely said and laughed as if it was nothing. But to Tord it meant a lot of pain. He slowly opened his eyes as he lifts his head up to Tom.

He forced a smile, "N-no.. I would.. never.." Tord replied, noticing the crack of his voice. He turned away feeling embarrassed, Tom found this cute and giggled weakly.

"As always.. your hearing is very sharp.." Tom commented frantically, Tord turned back to face him as he held Tom's hand fairly tight.

"W-what do you mean??" Tord asked shyly as his bangs slowly went back to covering his eye. Tom breathed in slowly before smiling back to his friend, "With this... Breathing mask.. Edd and Matt said.. they couldn't hear.. my voice very well.." Tom giggles weakly once again.

Tord jolted up as he hears every deep breaths Tom takes. For him it felt like time was ticking..

Tord laughed genuinely, "yeah.. b-but.. I think--.. I mean.. w-why is your voice.. barely--"

"I wanna rest now.." Tom interrupted, his voice barely coming out of his mouth. He claps his lips together as he closes his eyes gently and slowly tried to hold Tord's hand tight. But he couldn't anymore.

Tord's expression then changed, for the fact that he is afraid..

"T-tom.. what do you--" he was cut off when Tom cupped his cheek. Tom gently smiles at him, "we'll meet again.. in our next life... I'll.. wait for you there.." Tom frantically said. Tord's eyes widened in pain,

"T-tom... Please don't talk like that.. y-you're scaring me.." Tord whined as he lowered his head, shutting his eyes while holding back the tears. He heard Tom breathed in heavily and then gently let their foreheads touch.

"It's a matter.. of truth now.. Tordy.."

Tord's gaze shot back to Tom when Tom suddenly collapsed back to his bed, breathing in heavily. Tord panicked, he was about to stand up and call for the nurses, until Tom held his hand gently.

Tord looks back down to Tom who wanted him to stay. Tord sat back down, clutching his knees, shaking crazily. He kept thinking to himself, 'don't cry.. you promised..' again and again.

Tord shut his eyes, desperately holding back his tears, he didn't want to seem like a weak person in front of the one person he actually liked..

Tord jolted up when he felt Tom's coldness touch his skin once again, he looks back at Tom who was smiling weakly at him. Tord noticed how his color started fading, his lips were getting whiter..

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