A Game

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(Collage au. Tord and Tom are dormates and they hate each other. That's what they thought.


No One's P.O.V

"and that's why we got engaged!" Matt yelled as he waves his empty wine glass up in the air. All of the people in the party did the same. They all spilled wine everywhere. Most of the people  were drunk.

Well.. at least not Tord and Tom.

Edd on the other hand didn't drink so he was too pure to be drunk. He patted Matt on his shoulder with a smile plastered on his face.

"So.. enjoying the party? Jehovah?" Tord cooed as he sat beside Tom on the red sofa.
"I would be but you're here. So yeah.. it's ruined" Tom growled making Tord growl as well. They never seemed to have a normal conversion together. It's always growls and foul words.

"That's enough now. Get some rest Matt--"


Both Tom and Tord jolted up in surprise as they whip their heads towards Matt's direction.

"Tell us about Kristine would you??" Matt slurred before laughing. Some of the other guys in the party oooohhh'd to Tom. Tord looks back to Tom confusingly.

Tord was the new student in their collage while he was classmates with Edd in his 3rd year, he knew he doesn't know a lot about his other friends. But he didn't know why but his heart was aching...

Tom lowered his head as he stood up,

"Welp! Seems like I'm azzz drunk as all uf u.. I should muzt be rezting!" Tom pretended to be drunk as he slowly escapes the room.

All of the people in the party let out a sad 'aww' as they continued to chat with each other while drunk.

"Matt! You know how touchy that subject is to him!!" Edd scolded as he pulls Matt in his arms just as the tall ginger falls asleep.

Tord walks over to him, offering him a hand with his fiancé. Tord carried Matt over to his room with Edd. When he lays Matt down on the bed he quickly turns to his friend,

"tell me.. since you're friends with Thomas.. who is Kristine?" Tord asked as he looks down on the floor. Edd gasped,

"Uhm.. that's--"

"I just want to know.." Tord pleaded as he held Edd's hand gently.

"Why don't you ask him instead?"

With Tom~~

Tom drank his flask again before throwing it on the floor. He finally heard the door opened and closed. Soon a figure appeared on the kitchen doorway. Tom snorted, "'sup."

"Thomas. Are you drunk right now?" Tord asked as he walks over to Tom and sat on the chair beside him.

"Don't call me that. Also. No." Tom replied, sounding like he was bored. Tord took time to think about what to do or say while staring at Tom. Tom stared back with an annoyed expression.

"Then.. wanna play.. two truths and a lie?"

"I don't know how to play that."

"It's easy. You tell me two truths and one lie then I have to guess which one is the lie. But you have to be VERY honest too." Tord finished before turning his chair to Tom. Tom chuckled as he did the same.

"That's easy. Sure I'll play." He cooed. His breath smelled like smirnoff. But Tord didn't mind it at all. In fact he loved how Tom's breath smelled like alcohol with the mix of cherries.

"Okay.. I'll go first." Tord stated as he slowly leaned back on his chair.

"I almost broke my nose when I was on a theatre.

I had a crush on a guy on 3rd year.

I am gay.

Which is a lie?"

"The first one. You told Edd you were gay and he is the guy you have a crush on in your 3rd year." Tom answered confidently as he crosses his arms.

Tord chuckled, "you got me." Tord replied while smiling.

"Okay, now it's your turn." Tord said and leaned closer to Tom while Tom leaned back in an uncomfortable way. His lips quiver like he was afraid. Tord noticed it and felt a little worried.

"Hey, come on. I won't judge." Tord assured. Tom looks into his eyes,

"I went to hell with Edd and Matt.

I almost got married but she left me because I am more focused on collage. But I am happy now.

My dad died because a bear shot him." Tom finished.

Tord leaned closer as he stares into Tom's eyes.

"You're not happy..." Tord whispered to Tom. Earning a frustrated groan from Tom,

"Commie! Come on! Obviously number 1 is a lie! Do you really thought I was getting married?!"

"Kristine wasn't it?"

With that Tom went silent. Tord just observed him.

"What we had together is better forgotten." Tom mumbled before Tord leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.

To Tord it felt like heaven and to Tom it.. felt... he didn't really know. He slowly pushes Tord away,


"Just.. a little more. Please?" Tord pleaded before kissing Tom again. He was kissing Tom passionately. Tom pushed Tord again only to be pulled back in on another kiss.


"I know you hate me. But I just had the urge to kiss you right now." Tord whispered to Tom and leaned closer to kiss him again. But then Tom's phone rang.

Tom quickly pulled out his phone from his pocket. It showed: Kristine is calling.

As soon as Tord saw her name. He snatched Tom's phone and answered it. Tom was protesting while Tord was on the call.

Then from the other side of the phone, a bitchy voice answered...

"Hello? Thomas? Hey. I wanna say sorry and--"

"Yeah no bitch. I'm his boyfriend, he's taken now. Leave him alone." Tord said then threw Tom's phone on the floor. It automatically turned off.

"Holy shit Commie!!" Tom laughed genuinely as he found Tord's actions quite cute. Tord smiled and leaned closer to him,

"I win~ jehovah."

Tord kissed Tom on his lips again.

They don't know why but they loved it. For them it meant something.

Maybe hatred or.. maybe Love.

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