31. Midnight memories

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"Are you going?" Harry runs his hands through his hair. He paces around the room stressed at the fact I will be leaving here at the end of summer term.

"I don't have a choice! I'm going to try and get them to stay but that's going to be a lot of hard work" I sit crossed legged on my bed with Pebbles next to me. I look round for a suitable place to have her, I need her next to me so the bedside table seems like the perfect location. I lean over and set her down next to my lamp.

"I won't cope with out you! You don't understand how much I need you" He sits down next to me and pulls me into him.

"I do know because I need you just as much. I promise I'll be fighting all the way to stay here." I lean back on my bed and look at the ceiling. This is my time coming to an end at this house.

"Wanna go to the garden at midnight?" I feel Harry's hand on my stomach. We love our midnight garden meets. We usually talk soppy shit, make out and fool around. We always take my WiFi speakers down with us and have some music playing. It's perfect between us at the moment and it's slowly going to come to an end.

"Of course. Where else would I want to be?" I smile. Harry sits up gives me a quick peck and leaves. I ponder my thoughts and try and clear my head. I've said goodbye to Pebbles now and I've given her some justice I need to leave that chapter alone now. Red bitch got what she got coming to her. I could of made it ten times worse but I got her either way and I need to realise that I can't do anymore now and I need to accept it. Louis we are friends and nothing more which we both understand. Plus I don't want to loose him as a friend. I've sorted myself out with those issues. Me and red bitch will never be ok but if I can prove to my mum that we can get along for the sake of me staying here then that's what I'm going to do.

I have a bath before midnight and just change into a long bed top and some knickers. I slip my slippers on and take my speakers outside. I get to the end of the garden and see the familiar glow of candles and Harry sitting in the circle.

"Hey Baby" he sweetly coos.

I place the speakers down and sit next to him "hey" I lean in and kiss him. Every time we kiss it feels better than the last.

"I brought you something" he holds up a bottle of wine and a wine glass "now I would join you but I'm unable maybe one day. In the mean time I can be the responsible adult" he winks and pours me a glass of wine.

I've nearly drunk half the bottle and on an empty stomach I'm feeling the affects. I turn up the speakers and hear a song boom out, I get up and start dancing to the beat with Harry laughing he joins me jumping around like a looney.

These midnight memories are something I'll never forget it's the only time we are completely ourselves and we are honest with each other. We can be just a normal girlfriend and boyfriend.

"Kiss me" I gesture over to Harry with my lips pouted, he strides over to me and pulls me close "you don't have to ask me twice" and leans down to kiss me.

Our tongues move together my warmth against his stone coldness I run my hands over his chest. How I wish to feel him the real him.

"I want to be with you forever" I whisper as I pull out of our kiss. He smiles at me "and we will be" he tucks loose hair behind my ear.

I don't think he understands that I mean truly be with him forever.

"No I mean properly with you, be like you" I bring my hand up to his non pulsing neck and he stands back. He looks worried and holds my hands.

"No, you can't. I'll wait for you when your time comes but please not now. You've your whole life to live"

I think of him waiting for me and finally I join him when I'm ninety years old.

Can you love a ghost? // H.S✔️Where stories live. Discover now