24. Dr. Horan

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"Thank you for doing this, you might not think so but I think it will help" my mum locks her car as we walk into the office building next to the hospital where she works.

"I'll see you in and then I'll nip over to the ward and see how the girls are getting on. Then I'll come back after the appointment has finished. Is that ok?" She pulls me close to her. I haven't really said much to her recently, I don't mean to take anything out on her but she does pester me and it's getting annoying now.

"Yeah whatever mum" I look straight ahead to the large double doors we are approaching.

They slide open as we get to them and we walk inside I'm instantly taken back from the air conditioning and how cold it is in here. I shiver and pull my arms around me since I'm only wearing a tank top and shorts.

"Afternoon Julie, How are you?" My mum chirps to the lady siting being a desk.

"I'm good thank you, I would be much better if I was out enjoying that sun though. How are you Anne?" She happily engages in conversation.

My mum enters a long winded discussion about work and daily life. I'm not really sure what they are saying as I've taken a seat on the waiting chairs and have lost myself into a celebrity magazine.

"Miss Hayes?" I hear a man call my name in a very thick Irish accent. Great I think to myself I'm going to have to really concentrate on what he's saying so I understand him.

I stand up and head over to the man who is wearing glasses and has dirty blond hair. He doesn't look overly old either and also he's not bad on the eyes.

I look over to my mum who is now leaning over Julie's desk and deep in conversation over something on her phone. I roll my eyes and just walk into Doctor Horan's office and take a seat on the large leather seat which I more or less sink into.

I look around the room and see a small coffee table with a small plant and two glasses of water and a box of tissues.

There are some abstract art work around the room and it's bright and airy.

I watch Doctor Horan take a seat opposite me he picks up the note book that was on the chair before he sat down and he rests it on his lap. He looks up as he takes his glasses off and holds them "Hello Holly, please call me Niall" he smiles at me. The smile you're given when you're about to be analysed head to toe.

"Ok" I bluntly say. I just need this to be over, I have one hour. One hour to get through, I got this.

"So, tell me where do we start? I've heard you've had a rough few months. Is there anything in particular would you like to talk about?" He tilts his head to the side, watching my every move. I hate this, I hate that he's trying to suss me out.

"Not really" I look down at my hand and start picking my nail vanish off. I'm not trying to be difficult I just don't want to talk to this man.

"How about I start, how are you finding school? Have you made any friends?" He questions, placing his glasses back on his face to start writing shit about me. Obviously my mum has already spoken to him so he know what he's going to be bringing up with me.

"Schools ok, Jenny stabbed me but you already know about that I'm guessing and apparently I have a made up friend which you also probably know about" I look up at him, he smiles, nods and writes stuff down.

He puts his notebook on the table and leans forward resting his elbows on his knees "I know you don't want to do this and if you want to sit in silence for an hour we can do, it's no skin off my nose. You are doing this for your mum, I get that but there is no reason not to talk to me while you're hear because it sounds like you could do with someone who wants to listen to what you've got to say. Again I'm not going to force you." He takes his glass of water off the table and leans back in his chair propping his glasses on his head.

Can you love a ghost? // H.S✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora