14. Garden date

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It's Saturday I wake up a little later than normal and enjoy my lay in. My mum is off today and I can hear her in the kitchen moving pots and pans around and my dad has gone out to play golf and the local golf club.

I pull my phone out and see a text from Jess.

I'm so sorry I didn't come yesterday I was held up with school work and I'm not going to make it this weekend as mum has made plans with the family! I'll come and see you soon. Promise

I sigh I miss my friends back home but I guess I'm not missed as much there. I decide to have a shower and get up for the day and I suddenly remember I'm meant to be meeting Louis for our date. I better message him and tell him I can't make it, I need to make up some excuse because spending the day with a ghost isn't going to cut it.

Hi sorry I can't make today I'm busy with family stuff! Maybe next weekend?

I send it and go off for my shower.

I come back and check my phone to find no new messages. I dry my hair and braid it and apply some make up. I feel stupid but I want to look good for Harry. Nothing will come of this I know but what's the harm in wanting it to be real?

I have some late breakfast have a conversation about what my mum is going to do today, thankfully she's going into town to do some shopping so I'll have the house to myself today. She offers me to come along but I decline with the reason I have homework to catch up on.

Midday rolls round and my mum leaves for town so I gather a few things up, a blanket, some food and drink not sure whether Harry can eat or drink it I'll take some incase. I walk down to the bottom of the garden and lay the blanket down and sit on it, I guess I'll just wait I assume he knows I'm here?

I pull out my phone and check any messages, none. Not even one back from Louis. I'm thirsty so crack open a can of Diet Coke and chug it back it's fizzy so makes me gasp and loose my breath.

I lean back on the blanket and catch some sun it's pretty hot today, summer is definitely around the corner and I need to tan up before the holidays. I close my eyes and take in all the sounds of the birds and the light breeze I casually open my eyes after a few minutes and let out a huge scream.

I shoot up holding my chest as if I've just had a heart attack and look behind me to see Harry kneeling on the floor laughing, absolutely howling with laughter. My heart is racing and I'm trying to bring myself back to a normal state of breathing after opening my eyes and seeing Harry inches from my face peering over me.

"That. Was. Brilliant." Harry says between laughs.

I've calmed down enough to take in him laughing like this, I've never seen him laugh and look this happy. It feels like I'm watching him in slow motion I take in every curl, very laugh line, the way his cheeks round with his smile and watch his green eyes light up and crease at the corners. My heart is fluttering and my stomach feels queasy, is this me falling in love?

It can't be, he is a ghost. It doesn't matter how many times I tell myself this it doesn't seem to change the way I'm starting to feel about him.

"Idiot, I could of had a heart attack and died!" I shake my head and then realise what I've just said and quickly cover my mouth.

"Sor.." I get cut off with Harry howling even more at my choice of words.

There goes by heart again, I feel it pulsing in my chest and I'm sure he can hear it!
Harry is laying down now not being able to cope kneeling and laughing, his laugh is getting contagious. I start letting out little giggles which slowly end up in my most loudest laugh ever.

Can you love a ghost? // H.S✔️Where stories live. Discover now