11. Tell me

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I run upstairs and jump into the shower, I have no time to grab a quick nap before Louis picks me up. I wash my hair and myself and stand under the hot running water in hopes it will freshen me up and I'll be able to make it through the day without falling asleep in class. I get myself ready and make my way down stairs to grab some breakfast. As I make my way to the kitchen I replay over in my mind last night, Harry.

It felt so real, he felt real. I have so many questions to ask him and hope I get the chance to again. I find myself wishing school to be over before it's begun so I can get myself to bed in hopes I'm woken by his beautiful piano playing. I mentally put together a list of questions in my head ready for tonight, Why is he here? What happened to him? Where is his step father? Why is he not in heaven or where ever it is that dead people go?

"Morning kid" I'm taken out of my thoughts by my dad sitting at the table, coffee in one hand and toast in the other.

I grab an orange juice out the fridge and take a seat opposite him. I plant a sleepy smile on my face and reach for some toast. I have a few thoughtful chews and decide to indulge in conversation "so, er I take it you know about this house being haunted?" I carry on chewing looking down at my plate.

"Well I've read a few stories about what happened here, but heard about it being haunted? No" he takes a long sip of his coffee and raises an eyebrow to me. "Why's that?"

I finish my orange juice and stand up ready to wait outside for Louis "Oh I just wondered that's all, it's a little rumour going around school" I turn on my heel and head to the door.

"Oi, wait up" I feel his hand pulling me around by the shoulder "don't listen to kids at school I'm sure rumours have escalated and it's been turned into some crazy haunting of that teenage boy who roams around in the middle of the night" he smiles trying to put me at ease although I don't need reassuring I want Harry to be here. He continues "we really took our time with deciding on buying this house, we didn't tell you because I know what you're like and I know what films you watch. I don't want you freaking yourself out"

I roll my eyes "dad honestly it's fine, I'm fine and I'm not freaking out, actually I think it's kinda cool to have a ghost living with us" I turn around and head to the door, grab my bag and wait outside for Louis.

The whole car ride I was deep in thought, thinking about my house ghost. Harry was taking over my brain. He had an edgy look about him, definitely got a cool vibe going on, he had several tattoos from what I could see, maybe a bad boy type. He would of been the heart throb of any school accept I know from word of mouth he was shipped off to an all boys boarding school. I wonder what happened that night he came back?

"So..what's on your mind" I hear a squeak of a voice, Louis. I forgot I was even in the car with him.

"Huh?" I look over at him, he's already watching me and I've realised we are parked up at school.

"You, you've been in some kind of trance all the way here. I've tried talking to you but you've ignored me" he leans on the steering wheel.

"Oh my god, really? I'm so sorry!" I shake my head "I had a really crappy nights sleep and I don't feel with it. I'm sorry" I give my best sympathetic smile and he nods.

"It's ok, I guess you've got a lot on your mind with school, Jenny and obviously me" he smirks.

I laugh and gather my bag and books from the footwell "and what makes you think, you're on my mind?" I open the door and stand by the car waiting for him to join me.

"Because I'm me" he winks at me in an overly cheesy kind of way and laughs.

I start walking to my home room " your ego is so big I don't think we are both going to fit through this door" I laugh as we get to the front door of the main building "I better go first" I knock in to him so I can slide in on my own.

Can you love a ghost? // H.S✔️Where stories live. Discover now