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"you wanna piss off your parents, baby 

piss off your parents

that's alright with me.."

Ashton had desperately hoped that when he walked through his front door she would be there. In a loose t-shirt, messy hair, and all-knowing smirk. That's all he wanted at this moment. Even though in the past it had upset him when she looked at him so superior. But as he looked around his quiet home the sick feeling of reality sunk in. All her stuff was gone. It had only been two hours since the fight and she had erased every presence of herself from him.

She was gone.

Which the romantic in him decided that meant he should go find her and propose of some shit like that to make it all up to her. Though his hard edged mind fought back telling him to just stay here on the sofa and drink her away. Both sounded like the worst ideas he had ever thought up.


"He's not worth it." Celsie said softly handed her best friend a tissue.

Kala gave her a smile but no reply. Something about her friend's words seemed wrong. Though Ashton was never meant to be more than just a game. And whether he chose to admit it or not she knew that he also knew her intentions. Maybe he had hoped it was more than that by now. But he wasn't that kind of guy. Maybe it was herself hoping all this time.

Hoping that he cared about her more then he let on. He was different then she had expected ever since they had gotten close. It was cliche, every moment of them, but he was more than just a bad ass with a drinking problem. Or was that just her wishing?

Regardless of her feelings she had successfully pissed off her parents. A smile tried to appear as she thought of the times they had laughed until they cried because of her parents reactions.

"It's alright. I prefer to be hated." Ashton had almost giggled as he pulled Kala into a hug attempting recovery from the laughter.


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