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"So if you wanna piss off your parents

date me to scare them

show them you're all grown up..."

Kala slammed her phone onto Ashton's coffee table with a slight screech. Her mother had just grounded her for the next two weeks. And if she wasn't home in thirty minutes she would get a third week added.

"What is it?" Ashton's voice asked putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I need to go home."

"But you didn't want to go home like ten minutes ago?"

"I need to go home Ashton." She snapped grabbing her clutch off the kitchen counter.

"Just stay here tonight." He smirked grabbing her hand.

"No. We hardly know each other. I need to go, alone. My parents would kill me if I showed up with you on their door step."

"Ouch Kala, offensive much?" Ashton whined putting a hand to his chest for dramatic affect.

Then it dawned on Kala. All those lies her parents fed her, all those stereotypes and rules. This was her chance, and possibly only chance, to show them she was in charge of herself now. She was eighteen. She didn't need their apporval anymore. And a guy covered in tattoos and smelling just like smoke would scare the hell out of them. It would be golden.

"Actually...Can you take me home?" Kala asked sweetly.

"Can you make up your mind?" He grinned, twirling his keys in her face.

"Not for you."

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