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"I'll play your game,

I know what you want from me.."

"Kala this isn't funny." Mr. Tally snapped as his daughter grinned, twirling her curls around her finger.

She looked next to her at Ashton. For a moment the look on his face was distant and dark. Then he smiled gentle and let out a chuckle.

"Do you two think this is some kind of game?" Mrs. Tally questioned taking her seat next to Mr. Tally.

"Can we just get to the point of this conversation?" Ashton piped up.

"Right. Well to put in simply, we don't think you should be seeing each other anymore." Mr. Tally said.

Ashton laughed but Kala knew they weren't kidding.

"Mom, Dad...I know you want what's best for me of whatever you think is best. But I am eighteen now. And at some point you have to accept that and let me make my own decisions." Ashton watched Kala as she spoke, the glint of rebellion in her brown eyes, why'd he ever get into this?

"We just love you sweetie and we think this relationship is a waste and probably a mistake." Her mother tried to say lightly but the fire burned bright into her daughter.

"Then let me make this mistake. Let me waste my time! I'm done talking about this. So call me when you are too." Kala shouted taking Ashton's hand and dragging him out the door and into his car.

"Can I stay with you for a while...if not I could go to Celsie's..." His lips caught her's gently cutting off her words.

Kala couldn't remember him ever kissing her so soft and kind. Ashton knew she would ask and he couldn't say he wasn't happy.

"Of course you can stay with me." Ashton whispered kissing her cheek and starting the car.

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