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"I drink, I smoke,

you ate it up from the very start.."

Ashton smiled at the blonde girl dancing around him as he set down his beer bottle. For a moment her almost forgot the sheltered girl her had come with. Then in just one twirl of her hair, roll of her hips, and strange arm swinging to the music, he knew there would be no forgetting Kala that night.

"I love this song!" She shouted leaning back against Ashton as she danced to the music.

"I can tell." He laughed as he lit a cigarette; blowing smoke through her hair and onto her shoulders.

He smiled as she shivered at the sensation. With ease his lips pressed long kisses along her neck. He loved the look in her eyes when he would blow the smoke from his long drags onto her skin. She ate up every second of it.

Just like she had in the parking lot the night they met.

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