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"pulled up in your daddy's car..."


Celsie looks at me as I put the car in park. A smile of deceit and excitement plays over her pretty face.

"When you said we were going to find me a man I wasn't expecting to be directed to a bar." I scoff as I  shoot a text to my mother to tell her I'll be home late.

Celsie squeals reaching over and putting my phone in her clutch, "Did you seriously just text your mom? I take you to a bar to find hot guys and you text your mother?!"

"She'll be mad if I'm not home by midnight."

"Kala, sweetie, my dear best friend, the Sponge-bob to my are eighteen now. You shouldn't have to be home with a curfew. Your parents don't have to know every time you leave a store or use the bathroom. Loosen up for the sake of the little good left in this town. Relax. Smile. And have fun."

"If they find out about this..." I began but she throws a finger to my lips.

"There is no way in hell that they will find out. Because you are going to lie and deceive for once in your whole life, okay?" She snaps, and I know her well enough to know she isn't someone to joke with, so I nod in agreement.

Never in a million years did I see myself at a bar, let alone at bar on my first full day as a legal adult. Eighteen wasn't ever a huge deal to other people. Though for me it was the big one. The birthday of freedom. Which is apparently why I had to change into Celsie's black shorts and lace crop top before we went out.

"I thinking more of a club with neon lights or even a fun concert. But Robert's Rocking Biker Bar? As my birthday surprise...really?" I whine as I climb out of the drivers seat and settle my boots against the side walk.

I turn to bother her more but find a guy instead. He has on all black with tattoo's peering over his collar and jacket wrists.

"What's so wrong with this old place?" He says smirking and pointing to the bar behind himself as a small trail of smoke floats from his lips.

I take a deep breath utterly discomforted by this stranger. In an attempt to distance us I back towards the car. He simply follows. I glance across at Celsie who is on the phone on the other side. She is mouthing something to me and waving around her free hand. I roll my eyes and keep calm.

"Nice car." The guy comments putting out his cigarette on someone's car and walking towards me.

"It's my dad's." As soon as I say it I realize from the look Celsie and this unknown fellow give me that I shoudln't have.

Lame Alert!

"Well...we should get inside..." I began and Celsie comes running over.

"And you should come and buy us some drinks." I look at her horrified.

Once again going to a bar was pointless. I didn't drink. And it wasn't I didn't want to but if my parents ever find out I would be grounded until the day I left for college.

"Sounds good to me babes," The guy says motioning for us to go through the door, "Oh, and I'm Ashton."



(I'm trying out writing in Kala's P.O.V. Tell me what you think :))

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