Sozin's comet Part 1

Start from the beginning

"The comet is in three days Aang, You and Zuko need to focus on training, along with Toph and myself." Lillian said placing her hand on Aang's shoulder, "actually... We were going to wait until after the comet." Aang said sheepishly causing Lillian to grab him by the ear, "You decided this without telling Zuko and myself???? You do realize that this war affects everyone!" Lillian yelled. Zuko separated Aang and Lillian, "I have to protect my kingdom! I can't believe you kept this from me!" Lillian yelled. Aang's face fell, "I'm sorry But I needed time to master firebending." Aang said, "Well I needed time to save my kingdom!" Lillian growled. There was a large gust of wind when Lillian released her wings and took off into the sky. Everyone besides Toph looked up and watched Lillian leave, "We should have told her. We should have told you both." Sokka admitted to Zuko. Aang stood forward, "What are we going to do now?" Aang asked. Zuko looked at Sokka, "We need to prepare you, we all need to train and make sure our mindsets are all on the battle and not on anything else." Zuko said. Sokka nodded, "Lets meet up at the base of the beach where the canyon starts. We can do drills there." Sokka said, "What about Lillian?" Suki asked worried. Zuko looked up at the sky, "She'll be back, she just needs time to cool off." Zuko said before going inside the house. 

At the groups training session, Toph was melon lord and everyone else were split into teams of two, Lillian still hadn't returned and Zuko grew worried. Toph threw flaming rocks at everyone and Aang approached to end the "melon lord" but once he had a clear shot he hesitated. Zuko and Sokka approached Aang, "what are you waiting for? End him!" Zuko said but Aang looked away, "I refuse to take a human life." Aang said in his monk tone. Sokka removed his sword from it's sheath and sliced the melon right through the middle. "There, that's how it'd done." Sokka said darkly.

Lillian returned late that evening with a few cuts and bruises along her body. Aang looked up at her and before he could say anything Lillian raised her hand, "I'm sorry about earlier Aang... I over reacted, please forgive me." Lillian said in a whisper as she bowed but made no eye contact. Aang smiled, "Of course, i'm sorry for not telling you, I know it was my fault but I was afraid of disappointing you." Aang said softly. Lillian smiled and looked up, "You'll never disappoint me little buddy." Lillian said giving Aang a small kiss on his head. Zuko stared at Lillian, "Where have you been?" Zuko growled. Nothing.... "Lillian, I'm talking to you." Zuko said as he grabbed her wrist, "I was at saber-mountain fighting some trees and boulders. They were terrified of me, now if you'll excuse me... I'm going to take a bath." Lillian said with no emotion.

Lillian filled the tub to rim and placed her battled body inside. heating the water with her bending. 10 minutes passed and Lillian heard the bedroom door open and slam, "here we go..." Lillian mumbled in the water before sinking deeper into the water. Zuko opened the door to the bathroom and leaned against the door, "I was worried you know..." Zuko said, "I know..." Lillian bubbled under the water, "I didn't mean to worry you, i was just so angry that I had to get away." Lillian whispered. Zuko stepped closer studying Lillian's body in the water, "Your cut up bad." Zuko said. Lillian smirked, "yeah but look over here!" Lillian said as she lifted her wet hair from her shoulder. Zuko walked closer and examined Lillian's bare shoulder, "Lilly I don't see- aaahhhhh" There was a big splash of water when Lillian pulled Zuko into the bath with her, "Gotcha!" Lillian giggled as she watched an unhappy Zuko stand, "Why would you do that!?" Zuko growled removing his wet clothes, "You owe me." Lillian snickered. Zuko rolled his eyes before sitting back in the warm water. Lillian sat between Zuko's legs and laid her back against his chest, "tomorrow we head out to the capital again." Zuko said in a whisper. Lillian nodded, "How is Aang?" Lillian asked not looking up at Zuko, "Stressed and confused." Zuko replied. Lillian nodded and looked at steam raising from the bath, "He can do it, I know he can." Lillian said leaning back and wiggling into Zuko's body. Suddenly the bath water became warmer and Lillian raised her brow, "The water not warm enough?" Lillian asked turning to face a blushing Zuko, "It's perfect I you pressing against me uh..." Zuko babbled. Lillian smiled and turned around, "Do I make you nervous, Prince Zuko?" Lillian purred. Zuko's eyes widened, "No!" Zuko crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. Lillian pouted, "Oh well, I'm done then." Lillian said standing and having her whole naked body face Zuko as she reached for the towel behind him. Lillian wrapped the towel around her body and went to change. Zuko growled at the state that she had left him in but he knows better than to take revenge.

The next morning everyone gathered their things and were getting ready to leave. Lillian felt a bit off and had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, "hey guys, where is Aang?" Lillian asked looking around. Everyone panicked and began searching. Lillian found his staff in the living room and Sokka found his footprints on the beach, "So? He went for a midnight swim and never came back?" Suki asked. Kasai came and stood beside Lillian purring, 'Your friend had a visitor last night' Kasai said rubbing his head against Lillian, "HE WHAT!!!!!" Lillian yelled aloud, "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME!" Lillian yelled at Kasai, "You'll wake me for swords but not when the AVATAR goes- uh..." Lillian froze as she noticed everyone staring at here as if she was crazy... "Um... Good kitty cat?" Lillian cooed as she stroked Kasai's mane but occasionally pinching his ears, "Why are you yelling at Kasai?" Toph asked. Lillian giggled, "uh you see... Um Kasai is a special Lion-shark, he um...." 

'I can Communicate with her through thoughts.' Kasai said to everyone. 'The young Avatar left in the middle of the night, it is your duties to find him, now hurry up.' Kasai said to everyone before lifting Lillian onto his back and taking off, "Did Kasai just talk to us?" Sokka asked nervously.

Lillian held onto Kasai tightly, 'Listen to me, you must travel to the earth kingdom with your friends, There is someone waiting for you and the Prince.' Kasai said stopping at the end of the beach. Lillian nodded, "Okay, but where is Aang?" Lillian asked, 'The Avatar is with an old friend of mine, he will be fine.' Kasai said before turning around and heading back to the gang.

Lillian didn't mention anything about what Kasai had said to her when they separate because when Lillian returned, Zuko had told her that they would be heading to an Earth kingdom tarven to find June so that she can track Aang, "That sounds good enough for me. It's a start, lets go!" Lillian said to the gang as they all climbed on Appa. Kasai suddenly sat up and glared at Sokka, "What now?" Lillian whined. Sokka pointed an accusing finger at Kasai, "I know where momo is! In his BELLY!" Sokka cried before trying to open Kasai's mouth. Lillian facepalm, "Sokka, if he bites you, I wont heal you." Katara said rolling her eyes.


Hello there everyone

here it is the next chapter.

I have started a new fanfiction called Sindria's Secret Hero, its a Masrur x oc from the anime series called Magi, please check it out. I only have one chapter out so far.

until next time, Zuko love rivals!

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