"How the hell did you get in my apartment?" I groaned, taking a pillow from beside me, placing it over my head to block her annoying self.

"Cece, you keep forgetting that you gave me a key."

"Oh yes, that I did. A big mistake, that one. Remind me to take it back." I mumbled, getting out of bed.

"No can do, lil' sis; and even if I did, I made more copies, because I knew you'd say that."

"You know me too well."

"That I do. Now, up! You have a date to tell me about." She patted the bed and went outside of the bedroom. "I have freshly made coffee and I also made pancakes!"

"Or lack of." I responded to her first statement. When did she get in to even make the pancakes? Why am I such a heavy sleeper? I'm not. I'll just blame this night on the dream.

"Come on C, it couldn't have been that bad."

"I'd rather not tell you, because he's your daughter's doctor. I don't want you to think of him differently." I doubt she'd look at him the same way, if I told her that he went home with the restaurant hostess just five minutes after I left. 

"I wouldn't, just —"

"Josie, it just didn't work out. Leave it at that. We don't have anything in common, we don't click. There was no excitement. Sure he's a doctor and all, but he has a blank personality." I said, as I sat up and crossed my legs. 

"C, you can't keep doing this. Don't turn down every guy you meet. Not all guys are perfect and you definitely won't have certain things in common, but there must be someone out there. You need someone who's —" She spoke, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Witty and exciting." I commented, thinking about the man who has haunted my soul in less than six hours. "Damn you Harry, for getting in my head."

"Excuse me, who?" She tilted her head ever so slightly, in attempt to get me to answer her question. 

"What?" I played dumb. I couldn't tell her.

"You said something about a Harry. Who's he?"

"No one. He's no one."

"So there is a Harry." She smirked. Why did I have to say his name aloud? Why Céline?

"Damn it." I spoke and she raised a brow at me. "He's just a guy I met yesterday."

"And you two —?" She implied and I narrowed my eyes, watching her as she grinned widely.

"Grow up Josie, no. After my 'date' ..." I air quoted. "...I took a cab to some place I didn't really know. It was a parking garage in downtown."

"A parking garage?"

"Yeah, Darius —"

"Who's Darius?" 

"The cab driver. Let me finish." I put up a finger, knowing she'd interrupt again. I had to tell her the whole story from the beginning, otherwise she'll continue annoying me until she gets every last bit of information from me. So I've come to know that telling her everything from the get-go, would save us both a lot of hassle — and generally, annoying sibling banters. 

"Anyway, he asked where I wanted to go, I didn't really know. All I knew was that I didn't want to come home just then and that I wanted to see the city skyline. So he drove me to a place, which turned out to be a parking garage. He said the view up top is something pretty incredible. I trusted him, he was a nice man. So I was up there for a few hours —"

"A few hours?"

"Josie, shut up." I deeply sighed. "So I was up there for a few hours and this guy randomly comes out of nowhere, and he tells me that I'm sitting in his spot. Apparently someone can just claim a damn spot, he'd also carved his name there too."

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