Chapter 23

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As soon as Vidya went to call her husband, a car pulled up.
Bill, Anil and Amar came into the house holding a box of ice creams and licker-stick..
"Well? What took you guys so long?" I asked, eyeing down Bill.
"It's the traffic and also Amar wanted to go to some petting zoo in the park. But it was really cool." Bill told me.
I turned around and realized that Vidya was by her husband Anil but Rachel wasn't there.
"Rachel?" I called out. No answer.
"Vidya, where did Rachel go?" I asked her. She looked around,scared.
"I don't know. She was right behind me a second ago. Her car isn't outside either." Vidya told me.
"I'm calling her, this shit can't be true." I said. I took out my phone and dialed her number.
I called her 4 times and each call led straight to voicemail.
"Why isn't she answering?" I asked myself.
"What is going on here?" Bill asked.
"Anil, take Amar upstairs into our room and stay with him there. And don't leave that room no matter what!" She said.
"But.." Anil went to spoke but was cut if by Vidya.
"Just go!" She yelled. He nodded and took Amar upstairs.
"Sara, Bill come with me to your room." She said. After we've reached our room, I sat in the bed besides Bill and Vidya locked the door.
"Now listen. Sara you're gonna have to wait until the 21st comes to know the whole truth. For now answer me this.. Have you ever heard this line before, 'Be careful who you trust. Your love ones will turn on you, they are not real'. Have you heard it anywhere before? In a dream or someone told you or anywhere?" She asked sitting in the other side of me on the bed. Her whole body facing me. I was shedding tears.
"Yes. I have heard it before. The night when Bill and Matthew came because my mother was late from work, I blacked out. And while I was, my parents,mom and dad came to me in a dream vision thing and spoke to me. And they've said that exact same line. What does that mean?" I asked her.
"You'll find out soon." Was all she said. I grew angry.
"Why!? Why does every frickin time I asked something about my own soon to be death, the answer I frickin get is 'you'll find out soon!' can someone explain that to me!" I yelled standing up.
"Calm down Sara! Listen to me. You have to wait, please let's just do sometimes to get your mind of this thing." She told me.
"Let's start planning the wedding." Bill said.
"Yeah, so what kind of wedding are you both doing?" Vidya asked.
"What do you mean?" Bill asked.
"I mean, an Indian wedding or...." She stopped talk and Bill continue.
"What do you mean an Indian wedding?" He asked.
"I mean, I only know how to plan that kind unless you have an idea of the others." She spoke. Having an Indian wedding would be nice. But of course it's up to the groom.
"I think a simple English wedding would be good." Bill spoke. Vidya smiled warmly with it.
"Okie dokie then, let's get to it. First things first, what day?" She asked.
"21st of July in the afternoon at around 3p.m." Bill said.
"Huh!!" Me and Vidya said at the same time.
"We don't know what will happen that day so we as well better get married" I understand where he is coming from. But, why on that day?
"So Bill why on that day?" I asked out of no where.
"My mother got married on that day, when she was pregnant with me. But years after, for her and my dad's 17 year anniversary, she died. Which was last year. I've remembered everything how that death happened. But I don't remember who the killer or what the killer was." She said. Now I was scared.
"How can't you not remember who or what the killer is?" Vidya said.
"I..I..don't..know. It's so complicated. Everything I stepped into the house that Sara and her mother and sister are living in, that night, it was a night that I remembered part of what happen that's what I just told you." He replied.
"Okay let's just get back down and.." I started feeling a little dizzy. Before knew it, I was unconscious.
I fell into a dream like vision again.
This time it was like a movie replaying back.

The dream like vision.

Sara's mom- S.M. Sara's dad-S.D.

S.M (the real one.): Honey time for the office.
S.D:"I'm fixing my tie sweety, be right there."
'The place was at Poinciana Town #15 Calle road. The same place and house everything has happened.'
S.D:"I'm ready to start a new job, with my beautiful wife and..where is my baby girl?"
Sara:"Papa! Wite here."
'I ran and hugged him up.'
S.M:"So where's mummy's hug?"
Sara:"Mama! You..get..hug..morning aready."
'I sounded so adorable. My mom, dad and myself sat in the dining table and hugged each other. Then it was time for dad to go, well all of us actually. Mom was taking me for an check up. After we've left, it came evening time. I heard my say that today was the 21st of July. It was now 11:55 p.m. I was inside my parents room. Then all suddenly, the placed started shaking. The ground crack, but white smoke came out like clouds. Then a demon, the black figure thing I've saw long time ago with horns, no eyes head bent in the right, abdomen in the left. His hands and feet were cracked. It had long black pointed nails.
My parents and I ran out the room. Time we've reached at the living room, my mom trip and my dad hid me in the kitchen. My mom was being torn. Then my dad. After they've gotten loose the demon thing dragged them down in and hole in the ground, that has only fire in it. I heard their screams, but I couldn't do anything.
"Ahhh!!!!" Screams after screams. I hid and cried.
"I love you baby!!" My parents said.

End of Dream Vision.

I woke up crying. Bill and Vidya was there in each side of the me on the bed.

Vote and comment, I wanna know about this chapter.😘💖

Hey guys who is excited for the ending scene. Believe me you won't believe what's in the end. It's the last person you'd expect be behind everything.

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