Chapter 8

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"What's wrong love? You fell unconscious for a few hours now." Matthew said looking at me in a are you okay look.
"Has mom came home?" I asked.
"I'm right here honey. Are you okay?" I heard my mom's voice.
"Mom!?" As I said that, my mom came to the bed and dat in Rachel's place. I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back.
"How are you honey?" She cut asked, breaking the hug.
"I'm fine. Where were you? How you're so late?" I asked her in a rushed.
"I was doing extra office papers in the office." She said looking guilty.
"But. Matthew and Bill were the last ones to leave the office. There was no one else in there." Rachel spoke. After mom glance at her she look at me and I nodded.
"Oh, well look at the time. You girls should be getting to bed now." She said looking at her wrist.
"But you're not wearing a wrist watch." I told her.
"We'll talk in the morning. Good night girls." She said placing a kiss in my forehead then Rachel's.
After she left Matthew spoke out.
"We better get going. See you in the tomorrow loves." Matthew said then Bill wave goodbye. As they left, Rachel spoke to me.
"So how come you suddenly faint? Are you feeling okay?" She asked concerned. I go to speak but I remembered my mother saying not to trust anyone. Those lines keep replaying in my mind.
'Be careful who you trust. Your love ones will turn on you, they are not real'. But then Rachel, I've stayed with her for almost 12 years now. But July mother's words..your love ones will turn on you.
"Earth to Sara. What are you lost in? You can tell me. Did you see something when you black out? What did you see?"She asked.
"I..I.." I couldn't speak. My mother's words kept on repeating in my head.
"Sara? What's wrong? What did you see?" She asked me.
"I...I don't remember." I lied.
"You don't remember? If there's something..." She was cut off by my phone ringing.


Rachel went and answered it

Rachel:"Hello good night."
Unknown:"Hello. It's me again the same unknown person who sent you that email. Hope you got it and read it."

Rachel came and sat next to me, putting the phone on speaker.

Rachel:"Listen ma'am. We don't know who the frick this is, but you're freaky scary. Tell us who you are?"
Unknown:"I already said. My name isn't important. What is important that, your so call sister is in danger."
Sara:"Who are you? What do you want!? If this is a joke or prank or whatever you're trying to do, I'm reporting it to the police."
Unknown:"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Soon you'll know me. In fact see me. But remember 'be careful who you trust. Your love ones will turn on you, they are not real'."
After he finished that the phone cut of.
Beep! beep! beep!

"Sara? I think we should inform the police." Rachel spoke.
"No! I mean, we should keep this to ourselves. I think we should look in the book. Find out some information about this house." I said to her. She sign then nodded.
I open the drawer and took out the book. I turned the first page and read aloud what it said.
"The haunted house in Poinciana Town, the address is #15 Calle road Poinciana Town. This house is not to be sold because of the many deaths that happen in their. The date that the deaths usually happens is 21st July, every year ever since the first death happened and the cursed had been put by Mrs. Sylvia, an old Egyptian lady. Who never says her last name. The only way to stop or find out more about the curse and haunted house is to find Mrs.Sylvia. Her address is #20 Watston street Poinciana Town, the last home in that street.

"Rachel what do you think?" I asked her before turning the page.
"I think we should go see that witch tomorrow and find out what the hell is going on." She replied.
"Okay. Wait..why is the rest of pages empty? This can't be all. I'm going to email the unknown person. Who sent us this creepy email." I went for the laptop downstairs in the living room. As I reached there I thought I saw someone or something run under the couch. I bend down and a black hand grabbed my feet pulling me.
"Ahhh!!" I screamed. But then it finally let go of me. I look down at my right foot where it grabbed me and there was an red mark. I quickly grabbed the laptop and rushed upstairs.
I bust open the door and ran in my bed.
"Sara. What's wrong? Why are you running around in the middle of the night it's 12 already." I was panting really heavily like I just ran an 100 meter race.

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