Chapter 21

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After about talking for another 30 minutes about nothing much but nonsense, we decided it was getting late. It was already 4 p.m so we decided to go home. I called Bill and told him that Rachel would drop me home, so he can come home straight from work.
"So I can believe that I'm becoming an aunty. What's the baby name gonna be if a boy?" She asked while driving me home to the Logan mansion.
"Uhmmm.. honestly I haven't been that far. Maybe Michael or Michelle or John and don't know. What do you think?" I asked her.
"Hmmm...Aiden." She said. That was my dad's name.
"And a girl, what do you think?" I asked her again.
" about.." She was cut her phone ringing.


"Can you get that for me please?" She asked. I nodded with a smile and answered.
The name was Matthew on the screen. Which was weird.

Matthew:"Hello, babe how long are you taking..huh?? I'm impatiently waiting for you at home..your mom isn't home either.."
Sara:"Uhm.. hello this is Sara, and don't worry your babe will be there shortly, she's with me. Bye bye lover boy."


"Uhmmm sis..your boyfriend says that he is waiting for you." I laughed at that.
"Oh..I..we started dating 1 week ago." She chuckled nervously.
"And.. what's there to be nervous about?" I asked her.
"I'm afraid that tonight is the last night we're together. I have no choice but to break.." She started crying.
"I have... no choice but to..break up with him. I have to break.. his heart.. before it's...too late...and he gets... hurt... more." She said in between her tears and cries.
"What are you taking about? Why?" I asked her with concerned. So much concerned I forgot to ask her about that night she and mom called me a slut and those other things.
"You'll find out soon." Was all she said.
"What about that night you and mom called me those names? And...what do you mean soon? Rachel!?" I yelled a little.
"Sara! Please! You'll find out soon, that's all I can tell you.. I'm sorry but I just can't." She said still crying. Then the car stopped. I've reached home, well my soon to be husbands home.
I signed.
"I'm sorry sis. Can we meet again? I want to spend some time with you before..who knows what will happen on the 21st." I said.
"I'll text you.." She said and I give her a hug.
After Rachel left I went into the mansion. As I walked into the living room, I saw Vidya on the couch watching her husband play with her son. It was so beautiful. Watching them play and laugh.
"Oh hi Sara!" Vidya said, running towards me and gently hugging me.
"Hey Vidya!" I yelled back.
"I need to talk to you." She whispered into my ears.
"Sure..let's go to my room." I whispered back.
I realised that her belly was starting to show a little. A little bump. I smiled at that.
As we entered the bedroom, I was shocked. The lights was off and candles was lit. It was looking so romantic. It also had my favorite flowers, white roses with red. One of my favorite song was playing..'Just the way you are' by Bruno Mars.
The place smelt like sweet chocolate chip cookies thing. was really romantic. On the bed was a letter and a big box.
"Vidya..whats..." She cut me off.
"I have no idea." She said.

The letter.
Dear cupcake.
Please wear this dress and flats. I have a special gift for a very special girl. Do quickly and I'll meet you in at 8:15 p.m.
Love always,
Billy aka. Bill.

"I'll talk to you in the morning then. It's 8:00 p.m hurry up. And tell me all the details in the morning..kk sweety S." Vidya said closing the door behind me.
I grabbed the box and put the letter in the drawer. I went into the bathroom with the box and my make-up.
It was a black dress, stopping at half my thigh. It was a strap. I put it on and also I put on the flats. I let my hair fall. My hair grew longer, really I haven't noticed. It reached right above my butt. I did my make-up, which was red lipstick and light black eyeshadow, black eyeliner and mascara. I walked out the bathroom and was greeted by a Bill in a black botton up shirt and black pants with black shoes and black tie.. off course.
She held my hands and brought me closer to him. I was honestly, kind of nervous.
"You look beautiful cupcake." He said.
"So do you Billy boy." I smiled.
"I told you never to call me that." And he held on to me, 2 hands held my back and I held on to the back of his neck. We  slow danced.
Then he kissed me, I kissed him back. After breaking the kiss, he took out a small black box from his pocket. And knelt down on one knee.
He opened the box and it was a golden diamond ring.
"Sara Carter, will you give me the permission to grow old with you? Will you marry me?" He asked.
I was shedding tears.
"Yes!" I said in between the tears. He put the ring in my left wedding finger.
He got up and we kissed.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I replied.
We continued dancing slowly.

What do you all think? I feel like shedding tears now.. bt off course..bleh😜😜

Vote and comment I love to hear from you all...😘💖

The Next Victim//CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora