Chapter 3

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Previously in Haunted House.

Bang!..bang!.. bang!

Rachel:"Sara did you hear that?"
Sara:"Let's go check it out."

Rachel:"What the hell is that...that thing is dark with horns!"
Sara:"No..we can't inform mom.. because she won't believe us.. it never really work out in the movies has it?"
Rachel:"No. Let's check the attic."

Sara:"Rachel get away from there!"
Rachel:"Sara calm down."
Sara:"Rachel! Ahhh!!!"

Rachel:"It's just an nightmare they can hurt us okay."
Sara:"Yeah okay."

Sara:"Ahhh!!! Rachel!! Rachel!!"
'I ran and hugged her her crying.'
"Sara what's wrong?" Rachel said comforting.
"I saw it again! I saw it again in my room!" I rushed down all those words in one breath crying.
"Saw what!?" She asked confused.
"I.. saw... mirror... dark.. figure..horns!" I couldn't form the proper words.
"What you're making..." I cut her of.
"It's the dark figure I we saw last night!" I said sobbing.
"What dark figure...last night we saw. Sara you're making no frickin sense!"
She said. Oh crap I forgot it was just a nightmare.
"It''s...true, its an dark figure with horns.. red horns and I accidentally through down my makeup kit and..and when it fell, I stoop and picked it up. When I looked up I saw my reflection staring down at me smiling evilly and... then it turn into the dark figure demon thing and.."She cut me off.
"Sara for Gods sake stop this!! Please! Stop this! If mom or anyone else hear this from you..God its so embarrassing." She said.
"Fine! You don't believe me, come I'll prove it to you!" I shouted out of fright and anger.
I grabbed her hand and ran upstairs with her busting open our room.
I pulled her in an infront of the mirror. But like I expected it was gone.
"Well! What am I supposed to be looking at?" She asked.
"That's impossible! Wait! Look I told you I wasn't lying! The make-up kit it's in the ground." I said.
"Look know I love you like ah real sister right?" I nodded.
"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier..its just that half of what you said...well it makes..uhm.." I cut her off.
"Sense..just say it!" I said crying.
"Oh..let's just forget that this ever happened and lets just go out to the mall or something." She said trying to cheer me up.
"Thanks but I'm not in the mood. How about we go visit mom in her work.. she'll be surprise and happy to see us." I said to her.
"Why don't we make lunch for her since she made us breakfast?" I nodded.
After breakfast it was about 10 a.m by now. We spent 2 hours of discussing and trying to make lunch for mom. Which was vegetarian tacos, her favorite.
1 hour later
"You could of at least let me taste it to see if it's taking good." Rachel said to me.
"I told you for the hundred times that mom had to get the first bite of our first cook." I said to her.
"Hmmm... You like the old fashion way..well the Indian way." She asked.
"Well I am part of the Indian race remember, my grandparents was Indians, and my dad was an Indian and my mom was an American-Indian
So... I'm an American-Indian mix." I told her.
"Oh yeah. So anyways..lets just hope that she likes it." Rachel said looking kind of nervous.
"Of course she will. Don't worry everything will be fine Rae." I sometimes call her Rae for short for Rachel. And she calls me Sai short for Sara. Yeah it's part of our first name you know the sounding syllables.

We arrived at our mother's work place at exactly noon at lunch time. We have walked for 30 minutes straight. We was in the mood to take a little walk and to get to know to know our neighborhood better.
We came to the building she is working in which says 'The Logan Business Company Limited'.
"Here we are!" Rachel shouted.
We walked up and into the front desk where we saw an women whom seems to be in her mid thirties, greeted us.
"Hello can I help you?" She said kind and politely.
"Yes. We were looking for our mother Mrs.Jemma Brown. She started working from today." I told her.
"Uhmmm...the new secretary?" I think that is an question. I nodded and so did Rachel.
"Can you tell us what floor she is on?" Rachel asked her.
"Do you have any appointments?" She asked.
"No. We were just dropping off something for her. So can you just tell us the floor she's on." I asked again. Trying not to sound irritating.
"Sorry can't do that you need to have an appointment." Gees this women in stupid incredible.
"Look ma'am we are here to see our mother. Can you tell us what floor she is on please?" Rachel shout like sound.
"Look I'm sorry but I can't..." She was cut of.
"Mrs.Morgan they're with us. So they can go and meet whoever they want." We saw 2 handsome boys walking out way. One has black hair and the other has brown hair. They had the same built. I'm guessing they're 18 years old. Maybe the both of them.
"Oh hi Mr and Mr Logan." The women said standing up.
"If you don't mind now can you tell them at what floor there mother is at?" He said like some kind of boss.
"Right away sir." She said then look back at us.
"Last floor on the top." She said then put on a fake smile. I can tell when people does that.
"Thank you." Rachel said to her then I give an small smile.
We walked into the elevator and the 2 boys also came in.
"Hi..thank you all for that outside there." Rachel said. We then hit the top floor button.
"Sure no problem. By the way I'm Bill." The black hair said shaking Rachel's hand.
"I'm Rachel and this is my...well sister Sara. Nice to meet you." She replied.
The brown hair one who was standing next to me introduced himself shaking my hand.
"My name is Matthew..are you girls new here love?" He said. Wait did he just say love. Oh he is British.
"Well nice to see you to.. uhmmm... Matthew and Bill." I said. Then Rachel spoke.
"So.. You 2 are brothers?" Rachel asked breaking the silence.
"Yeah.. uhmmm well its ah complicated because of the..." The elevator door open.
"Oh..We better get going. Good bye." I said to them before parting ways.
"Uhmmm... Rachel where on this planet is she?" Then I spotted her in her knee length skirts and button up shirt half way up and her red top showing from where the button up stopped.
"There she is!" We ran over to her and surprised her.
Vote and comment..I really wanna know how it sounds.💖💖💖

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