Chapter 13

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The next morning.

Rachel's POV

Me and my mother haven't slept whole night. We were worried sick about Sara. This is all my fault. I was just jealous of her as in how she left with Bill.
We've tried calling her phone and sending text messages but no reply and her calls leads straight to voicemail.
"Mom? What do we do? We can't report it to the police." I asked.
"She's with Bill isn't she? Let's try his phone." My mom said. I nodded and dial his number.

Bill:"Hello? Good morning."
Rachel:"Good morning Bill. It's me Rachel. By chance do you know where Sara is? Is she with you?"
Bill:"Why do you care!? Do you want her to start crying again? In fact do you want to hurt her again? FYI she's safe with me! She don't need any more pain!"

Beep! beep! beep!

He cut me off.
"Well honey? Does he know?" My mom asked.
"He says she is safe with him and she don't need any more pain. Then he cut me off." I started to cry.
"We'll go pay her a visit okay?" She said.
"That's a horrible idea. This Saturday is the pool party. Matthew invited me. I meet her there." I said hugging my mom.

Sara's POV

When I woke up by a stupid alarm
clock, I realized that this isn't my bedroom or clothes I last had on.
"Good morning cupcake!" Bill said from above me.
"Ahhh! Don't scare me like that dude." I said.
"How did I........?" He cut me of. He has to stop doing that.
"Well.. first you're in my home, my room, my bed. I changed you last night. Don't worry I closed my eyes." I said innocently.
"Now.. hurry up! Go freshen up. The bathroom is there. I've already freshen up. Oh and Rachel called. She and your mom wanted to know where you where." I wanted to cry but fight it and smiled lightly.
"I'll go get ready." I said to him.
"I'll see to breakfast then." I nodded and he left.
After brushing my teeth and showering I let my hair fall and I out on a black tight jeans and a red T-shirt that says cupcake in the front in white letters.
I put on my red and black converse and red lipstick with light red and black eyeshadow. I don't really like mascara and eyeliner i wear that in special occasion or when I'm going out.
I looked at my phone and saw 5 messages and 10 miss calls all from Rachel.

Message 1

Hey Sara. I know that u r upset bt itz all a misunderstanding. Please say where are you!?😭😩

Message 2

Hey please reply. Me and mom are worried sick. Haven't slept or eat not even drank water ever since you left without you saying where u re goin.😡😭😭

Message 3

Please Sara! Reply it's all an misunderstanding I have to tlk 2 u.

Message 4

Sara where are you! Please reply!? Please i will explain everything.

Message 5

Sara! Me and mom love you. Please come back home. Please!!!!!! I regret every little disagreement we had. Forgive me. I am really sorry. Punish me if u want. But I want my sister back, talking to me. And I'll trade anything in the world for that.!!.💖😭😭👭

I was shedding tears as I read those messages. I replied back to her.

Hw wud I know you're tlkin d truth?🤔

Rachel replied 5 seconds later.

Please let me see u jus once. Please..👏

I replied back.

🙄 Lier!!💔💔💔

Rachel replied back almost immediately.

No I'm not lieing..please believe me. It wasn't me who spoke to you Sara yesterday. Let me meet you and we'll talk it out. I would never hurt u in no way.

I replied back to her.

I'll...see u on Saturday. For the pool party. I hope you're tlkin d truth!
I gotta go. Bye.

Rachel replied back.

Thank u sis!😁😀😁😃

I think that she is speaking the truth. I'll go and tell Bill.
As I went down I met Bill at the dinning table and I told him about what Rachel said and all the text messages.
"Well cupcake, forget about it for now and have some breakfast." Bill told me.
"Oki, so what's for break..." He cut me off.
"Pancakes with syrup and strawberry whip cream and chocolate ice cream for desserts. And chocolate ice tea." I was out if word.
"Wow. You? Did that?" I asked him.
"Uhmmm yeah. If anything is lacking,'s my first time try." He chuckled nervously.
After we ate breakfast which I complemented every time, I mean it was delicious, we decided to go to the library to find out more about the house.
"Almost there cupcake." Bill told me. I was wearing an leggings with an long black t-shirt marked summer time in front. Also I wore my black flats with it. And did my light make-up. Red lipstick and slight black eyeshadow. My long straight black hair was fallen back.
"So about this curse thing, in the next 5 days am I really gonna die?" I asked Bill.
"No of course not! What kind of thought is that? Suicide?" He replied.
"I was just asking, no need to yell." I replied. Before he go to respond we have finally reach. Before he could say anything else I went out the car and into the library.

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