Chapter 16

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I followed Vidya into her basement. It was huge. She went into an oldish looking cupboard and took out a box. She started looking for something I don't know what.
"So when was the last time you visited your mom?" I asked her.
"Long time. The last time I saw her was the day I left American and came here. Years ago, even though I called several times and she written letters, thats why I'm going back to America today." She respond.
"If you miss her and love her so much, why would you say she's evil. And why would you still hate her so much?" I asked her.
"Because I'm going back to America not because of me but of my son. He needs to see his grandmother and she needs to see him. And I also have to tell her that I am having another baby, it's a girl." She said.
"Oh, congratulations. But you don't know, do you?" I said. She stop searching the box and look at me.
"What are you talking about?" She asked me.
"The day me and Bill well to visit your mother. She gave us information about the curse about you, but that's all, nothing else, because she....died." Tears was running down Vidya's eyes.
"She died.." she went to respond but I cut her off.
"She died...but one is for sure that you should know. She loves you. I know how you feel. My both parents died in an accident when I was 5 years old." She looked back at me then spoke.
"How did you live?" She said between her tears.
"My best friend and her parents took me in. I've lived with them until last month her father died. So her mother started over here." I told her.
"But you and Bill? Why didn't your best friend came?" She asked.
"That's a long story."  I told her everything about day one since me and Rachel had that argument and then the text message. I have told about my mother Mrs.Jemma Brown attitude as well.
"Wow..That is some life." She said. Before I could respond a music started playing. It was like a lullaby sound for babies and toddlers to go to sleep.
"What is that sound?" I asked. Vidya seems puzzle as well.
"That sound, my mother use to play it for me." Then it sounded like it was coming from the cupboard. We slowly made our way and open it. It was a small box like thing with a princess, prince and a baby, moving around in circles.
"This wasn't in here a when I opened the cupboard earlier." Vidya said.
"I don't know." I responded.
Vidya switched it off and closed back the cupboard. It started playing again as we turned around. She opened the cupboard and took the music box out and throw it slamming the wall and into pieces.
She found what she had been looking for an, envelope and she grabbed another box. We walked upstairs switching off the lights and locking the door. We walked into her living room and sat in the couch. Then she put the envelope into the box with other things in it and handed it to me.
"You'll find all you're looking for in this." She said.
"Thank you." I replied.
"Mummy!! Look what I find!" Her son screamed running down the stairs.
Wait one minute that box is what Vidya just destroyed.
"Isn't that the same box?" I asked her unsure. Then the music started playing again.
"Yes it is. Honey where did you find this?" She asked her son.
"In my play room. A old women said that it use to belong to her. But I am related to her to, so she gave me it." Vidya was looking scared, but she hid it. She knew exactly who he is talking about, her mother.
"We're going to America this
afternoon." After that she went upstairs and packed her bag, she also packed her husband's and sons bag.

The next day.

We have reached back to America late yesterday night. Vidya was sad knowing about her mother's death. But she didn't want to show it. Even though I have recently met Vidya for about approximately a day, we were getting really close. She told me things about her that only she would know and I've found out in me to trust her like she does to me.

8:30 a.m that morning.

"Good morning cupcake!" Bill shouted. Scaring me awake.
"Bill!!! I'm tired...5 more minutes okay." I said sleepily.
"Come on sleepy head. We have to go to the mall. Remember?" He said asking.
"Ugh!" I said sleepily.
"You have 15 minutes to freshen up. Go on brush your teeth and take a quick shower. I'm going to make breakfast." He said. I smell his perfume. It smelt like a world of paradise. Crap! He's already finished. I jumped out of bed and headed in the shower.

Rachel POV.

Tonight I'm gonna try and tell her the truth. I have to try. She will be hurt yes. But this is the only way. Thank God she's at Bill's or else I don't know what might of happen.

Vote and comment I really love hearing how it is going!!😘😍💖


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