"This is Zion Thae..."

"Thae..." she pauses for a moment before quickly picking up a photo of him, her brown eyes widen "as in Divya Wang's child?"

"Oh, you know her?"

"She is well known in the fashion and beauty industries. Her move to Grandiose County was a big thing," she then turns to look at me with a puzzled expression, "but why do you have photos of her child?"

"He is compatible with me."

"Compatible with you?"

"Yes. From the results of Alicia's compatibility test, he is someone who I am most compatible with," I explained to her in a calm tone.

"Why would she pair you with a guy," she question, confused by my motive.

"I asked her to."

Her face expression became more confused with each answer I gave her. "Why?"


"I bet you are," she said with a smirk on her face as she looked down at the photos of him, "but it is fascinating, to say the least."

There was a moment of silence between us. When telling someone that you are pursuing a guy when you regularly pursue the opposite gender, it would take anyone a moment or two to process it. But, I know out of anyone in my life, Isabella is the most open-minded person in my corner.

"Have you two met yet?"

"No," I stare down at his photos "Alicia is planning that out, for me to meet him. Then, I will take it from there, but I need to know as much about him before I make a move. I did have Nicole put together a small team to keep an eye on him, to study his daily patterns and stuff."

"So, have you told them yet?"

"No," I knew she was talking about my parents "I haven't even met the guy yet, there is no reason to tell them yet."

"What do you think if I date him?"

"I knew you for over twenty years, and I have never known you to be remotely interested in guys," her tone sterner than moment before "Why are you really going after him, there had to be something that made you curious about him to make you ask Alicia to see if you two were compatible."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"His family have huge ties in Asia, both in business and in their personal lives," I went on to tell her "my family and I never really hit the Asian market nor made any relations within Asia. I think it is the perfect move for me, my family and business. Besides, I am being pressured by my parents to settle down, why not make it work my interest."

"It all balls down to business," she let out a deep sigh "this guy looks young and innocent."


"Okay, just hear me out," she inhales deeply before continuing "when the last time you ever been in a real relationship with anyone that is not based on sex. Now, out of the blue, you found someone, probably the only one you can have a good chance with. But instead of trying to get to know them, you want to use them just for business?"

"Does it matter, he will have a comfortable life," I knew where she was heading with this conversation "I am getting with him not for companionship but business and to get my parents off my back."

"I see you don't want to talk about this," she smiles as she stood up from her chair "besides, it's not like what I say would change your mind. But, at least look at the point of view of this guy. He has the Omega Gene, and guys like him don't just want a comfortable life. They want someone to love them for them. Anyway, I have a meeting to go to, behave yourself."

I watched as she slowly made her way down the sidewalk before stopping to glance over her shoulder at me.

"Give yourself a chance."

I slowly stood up, "a chance at what?"

"A chance at real happiness," she begins to walk down the sidewalk, "but if a man like you already happy, disregard what I just said."

As I watched her disappear around the corner, I thought about what she said. Am I happy? I mean I have everything I want, I travel around the world on the regular for both business and pleasure. There is nothing I needed. I was living my dream.

Suddenly, the vibration of my phone pulled me out of my thoughts.

It was Alicia.

"What is it?"

"I want to throw a small event tomorrow evening," she sounded more cheerful than I thought she should when she should be doing what my parents hired her for, not inviting me to one of her get-togethers "and you are the man of the hour."

"Why would I be the man of the hour?"

"Because, it will be all about you," she states in a more serious tone "I will have my staff contact all those you are compatible with to meet with you, all in one place."

"This will include him, right?" I asked curiously, not agreeing with this event unless he will be there.

"Yes," she said as if she didn't want to say it "I will throw in some male actors in, to act like they are one of your candidates and so Zion won't feel uncomfortable being the only male candidate."

"As long as he will be there, I will go."

I could feel a small smile forming at the good news.

"I send you the details. Oh, make sure you dress nice," she pointed out in a more demanding tone before hanging up.

"That won't be a problem," I whispered to myself as I dial my assistant's number.

"Why are you calling me on my day off," Nicole groan.

"I need you to set up an appointment at the place where Zion works part-time tomorrow. And make sure I have him assist me," I told her before hanging up and making my way down the crowded sidewalk.

 And make sure I have him assist me," I told her before hanging up and making my way down the crowded sidewalk

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Giorgio Sultan | Isabella Garcia

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See you in the next chapter!!

-A.J. Pharaoh

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