Finale (10)

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Jimin almost in 4 month

"Pleaaaseee gimmie some chocolate waffle..." Jungkook look at his husband, tired to be exact. "Waffle? Jimin .. for real? -_-? 2 im the morning?" Jimin frown and take Jungkook arm.

"Please Jungkookie...Lilttle bean want to eat." with that sentence Jungkook let out a sigh. "Fine fine..Let's go to the kitchen and I'll make you some.. Noona must be sleeping by now." Jimin cheer and hug his husband tightly and mumbling a lot of 'thank you' and 'I love you' .

When they are walking to the kitchen, they saw the light was already on. Jimin peek in the kitchen and saw Jeongyeon eating some cheese cake.

"Noona why you're up and eating a cheese cake?" ask Jungkook to Jeongyeon. "My baby want to eat something at night.. I might say you too?" Jimin nodded and nugde Jungkook. "Wait here sweety, I'm gonna cook it now don't worry. You can talk to noona while I'm preparing the waffle." said Jungkook ruffling Jimin's hair.

" Waffles? Your baby want a waffles? awwe that's cute." said Jeongyeon laughing. "noona is it weird that I've been craving a lot lately. My baby will be in their 4 month next week." Jeongyeon look at him again "look Jimin. Its normal to pregnant people to have a craving, morning sickness,being clingy or even being emotional. I also have that remember? But since I'm in 7th month i didn't have a lot of craving, it only when I want something like this cheese cake."

"So its fine that I whine and make Jungkookie up this late at night?" Jeongyeon laughed out loud and holding Jimin's hand "well its a yes and also a no... you can wake him up based on his busy-ness.. Just like today, its okay because tomorrow is Sunday. But next time when he has work tomorrow then you should not wake him up. He'll be super tired. I'm also doing it to Jisung. Someday I'll be waking up alone so that I'll not disturb him. You know, how can we not love our own husband right?" he nodded and sniff the air. He smell something that make hin drooling.

After a while Jungkook came out with few chocolate waffles and a touch of chocolate syrup on it. Only with that sight make Jimin drool. Well almost..

"Here you go sweety.. eat up so our lil bean will not hungry." Jeongyeon look at them smiling but then said goodnight to them and going to sleep. Jimin eat the waffles with a huge eyes since he was excited. Jungkook just look at him lovingly but slowly feel sleepy.

Jimin glance at his husband that softly snore while cupping his face with his own arm. Jimin chuckled at the sight. He finished the waffles and clean up a bit before he wake Jungkook.

"Hey hubby...wake up...let's sleep in the room." Jungkook flutter his eyea open and take Jimin's hand as he walk sleepy-ly.

two weeks later

"look at that that is your baby..." said the doctor. Jimin and Jungkook both looking at the screen ,holding each other hands. "Is that our lil bean?" ask Jimin to the female doctor. "uhuh...that's your lil bean.. he/she will be growing in you each month" said the doctor. "Isn't it cute Kookie?" Jungkook nodded and smile brightly. "Do you want the ultrasound copy?" the couple nodded eagerly that make the doctor laughed. "Alright just wait a bit okay. "


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