Parents worry (8)

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Its been a days since Jimin stayed at his parents home. Jieun and Seojoon just give him space because Jieun sense something off about their only son.

"Darling...What's wrong with Jimin? He suddenly home yesterday and he even refuse to eat?" ask Seojoon to his wife. "I don't know...I think he's sick because his body temperature kinda high and he vomitted this morning.. I tried to make him eat but he throw up when I feed him."

Seojoon feel uneasy and said "Call Jungkook...We need to know what happened with Jiminie...Why he's suddenly here.." Jieun nodded and call Jungkook.


Jungkook answer the phone.

Hello Jungkook?

Oh? Hello eomma..Why are you calling?

You seems tired what's wrong

Naah..I'm okay just..*sigh*Eomma please don't get mad but Jimin is missing and he's sick...I'm worried

Hey...Jimin is here since yesterday...

Really!?!?! Oh my god thank god he's not somewhere else...Eomma please take care of him I'm super worried

I'll don't worry...Now..Tell me why he's here out of blue?

I don't know either..he getting clingy-er from usual..I like it but..he's even sleep with my smelly clothe..

*laugh* oh my god...he's really sick...Its about you come here and take him your plan will not ruin..

Oh my god I'm about to forget the plan...don't worry Eomma I'll be there tomorrow...

-call ended-

Seojoon and Jieun look at each other.

"Why he's acting like he's pregnant?" ask Seojoon..."He've been behave like you when you're pregnant"

Jieun eyes gotten bigger and said "does that mean??"


Jungkook's pov

Oh thank god that Jimin only at Eomma's...I can't take the news that he just dissapear to overseas and nowhere to be found...I relieve when he's just staying at my parents in law.

I text Taehyung to tell him my deal.

Hey Tae...please book a ticket for me..tomorrow to New York

What for?

Jimin with my laws.They called me to bring Jimin back

Alright...I'll book it ASAP

Thanks dude...btw send me the suprise plan to me...yours not mine okay?

Yeah yeah...

I already book it Kook...

The earliest at 8:00 a.m kst...

Tksm...Love you dude

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