❤Honeymoon❤ (M)(4)

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We're landed at Tokyo internationnal airport~
Jungkook's pov

We just landed at Tokyo airport.Now we're getting our luggage.

"Love? We're going to eat first okay? I'm kinda hungry..Tae and Yoongi hyung will head to the hotel first...they'll get our room's key." I ask Jimin. He put his luggage on floor and look at me."Yeah..Me too..I want to eat..I'll thanks to them later." He said.

So we take a ride with our personal driver that I get it from my friend while we're in Japan. We stopped at a restaurant. Its not luxurious or anything just a simple restaurant.

We order two bowls of rice with a beef and drinks. I'll take coffee and my love take hot chocolate. While we're eating Jimin start to ask me about something.

"Jungkookie? umm I know its only 2 month but I wanna know if you...umm doyouwantohaveachild?" I raised my eye brows. "Please slow down love. I can't catch up what you said".

"Do you think that we should be...parents...soon?" said Jimin fiddling his finger. I smile and said " Of course love..Let's try okay?" then Jimin look at me and said "okay...So we are we going after this Kookie?"

"We're going to hotel first..You need to rest. I don't want you to get sick. Taehyung said that tomorrow we'll start our tour okay?" he nodded and we ate our food.

~end of Jungkook's pov~

They going back to the car and head to the hotel. The hotel was huge and luxurious.Of course its luxurious because he don't want his baby feel uncomfortable.

Jimin opened the door and run to their bed then jumped.He let out a sigh. Jungkook that just settle their luggage chuckle of his love childish behavior.

Jungkook about to say something when he see Jimin is already sleeping with his arm and leg spreading just like a starfish. He shook his head and head to bathroom to make himself feel fresh.


Jimin pov

I wake up with the warm embrace around me. I looked up and see Jungkook's sleeping face. I snuggle to his chest more because I don't want to wake up. I whine a bit and let out a breath.

"Morning love..*yawn* how was your sleep." ask Jungkook with rusky yet sleepy voice. I nodded and snuggle closer to him. He chuckle and said "Feel lazy to wake up?" I nodded. "But we neef to love. Taehyung want to explore Japan today" I groan and wrap my arm and leg squishing Jungkook harder.

"I don't want to..let me sleep longer..please" I said then rub my face to his chest just like a cat. He pat my head untill we interrupted by phone ringing. Jungkook stir to make me let go of him.(I gotta let you know..that I need to let go..hard to say goodbye demo ni ge nai..I'm ready to let go..Oops sorry) *glare* ( sorry Jimin 😝)

I let Jungkook go as he pick up the phone.

"Yeah...we're awake..naah its okay..twelve? Alright..bye" with that Jungkook ended the call and look at the clock. 11:05

"Minie love..We need to shower and get ready.Tae want to meet us at 12:00. You better get up from the bed or else.." I cut

"Or what?" He smirk and step closer to me.I don't move any inch untill I feel a really strong grip on my body. Without realizing I already on Jungkook shoulder. "Put me down Jungkook" He laughed and smack my butt. "No I'll not. You've been bad..Let's shower together. And you'll know what the 'shower' mean" my face turn bright when he said that.

(I leave whatever on your mind😝)

After a long bath we already in our outfit and ready to go out. I hiss whenever I take a step. Damn Jungkook.

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