They all grabbed their things and started to filing out in groups, my mom and Dad stayed back staring at me; limping into the young man's room once again. "Is that him?" My mom whispered to my dad. I nodded without thinking twice. I leaned over the victims bed and kissed his forehead. " I'm so sorry.." I sighed leading my parents out of the room.


"Are you for real?!" Tobias bounced grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "Just take the damn keys before I take Smokey back." I groaned holding out my treasured possession. "I shall honor this responsibility you have gifted me with my lord." Toby bowed flying over to my Jeep and swinging in. Rose and Harley stared at me begging for sympathy. "You thinking about running away or something?" Lucas called over leaning against his black mustang. "Not really. I just let him take Smokey. My baby." I fake sniffled. "Pssshh, That old thing? I'd be honoured to toss it." He chuckled. "Talk about my Smokey like that again and I'll handcuff you to the trunk." I sneered hoping into the passenger seat.

"I think you got those roles reveres princess." He winked at me making me shiver.

"So, hypotheticals?" He sipped his coffee handing me my cup. "Oh, yeah that." I place my cup down turning to face him. "Say there was an ongoing investigation." I began. He nodded sipping some more.

"And someone starts to receive a series of text. Implying they know something others don't, assuming their guilty and so on." I added leaning against the door " Hypothetically speaking. " Hypothetically?" He raised an eyebrow shooting me a worried glare. "Yes, Hypothetically. Would it be considered stalking?" I asked innocently. "You know you can talk to me if something is going on right? I'm not just a detective." He placed a hand on mine. I started laughing, " I'm not being stalked, these are all hypothetical." I placed another hand on his. "Well... if tech can figure out who the suspect is and there no evidence to incriminate the victim of being guilty then yes. Te suspect is going to be put away in stalking charges." He explained. "Okay, makes sense." I sipped my coffee humming in relief as the warm liquid burned through my nerves.

"So anyways. How does a young fella like you end up as a detective?" I questioned. "Enough about me what's your life like?" He asked, winding down the windows and shutting off the engine. "A shitshow." I blankly stated. "Very funny Miss Mystery." He shot me a look. I peered into his bright eyes finally mustering up some courage. "Okay lets take turns, me first." I began. "So you want me to interview you again." He smirked.

"Let's do it, I don't crack easy." I challenged him. "Babygirl I do this for a living." he turned his body to face mine. "So what?" I snickered. "Challenge accepted." He lifted his feet onto the dash.

"How old were you when you graduated high school?" I started off.

"Sixteen." He smiled proudly. I raised my eyebrows, very impressive.

"Why did you name you Jeep Smokey?"

"Because it's hot, and tough." I felt a smile tug at the corner of my lips.

"So is it's owner." He smirked playfully. I rolled my eyes feeling a warmth creep up to my ears. "Why a detective?" I asked.

He got quiet staring off behind me. "If you don't want to answer it's fine I spoke softly. "No it's fine, my mom was killed when I was younger and I felt like nobody cared enough to find out exactly how." He looked me in the eyes searching for something, something light. "Did you?" I asked.

"My turn." He smiled. "What was your relationship with Tristen?"

"This better not be held against me Detective." I hesitated. He crossed his heart and kissed his fingers like a 5-year-old. "He was my best friend, I trusted him with my life as he did with me." I honestly replied.

"Nothing more?" He tilted my chin so my dark orbs melted meeting his light eyes. "Nothing more." My voice disappeared. "Where are you from?" I broke the silence. "New York." He shot back. "Who's your favorite out of the group?"

"Why Florida?"

"Bad memories and terrible lifestyle."
"How do you feel about arcade games?"

"Love them."
"Why me?"

"What?" He paused.

"Why me? Of all the people you've met here, why me?" I asked searching for a glimmer in his eyes. The orange hazed sun kissed the horizon, reflecting in his gentle eyes. "Because you, are the only one who caught my attention princess." He brushed my hair behind my ear. And once again, the feeling I never though would ever enter my life slowly rushed through my veins. "You're the only one I see." He leaned in closer. My heart caught in my chest as his face inched closer. "I..." I couldn't breath, my heart raced, adrenaline sent my breathing into shallow huffs, I looked down to his lips and back up to his eyes. This was it, this is what happy feels like. His lips softly touched mine as his large hand cupped my cheek holding me tenderly. "Wow." I breathed, resting my forehead on his. He smirked holding my chin with his fingertips. "Not bad for a detective." I poked his chest. "Eh, not so bad for a high schooler." He laughed. I shook my head and laughed along with him.

With everything going on, back to back. Maybe it would be okay. Maybe, just maybe. The world could find its balance after all.

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