Nicole Row x Reader - Bar Date

Start from the beginning

You took a look at the clock that hung over the door to the bathrooms. An hour had passed since Nicole's friends had come in. They had ordered beer and whiskey, Nicole had ordered strawberry lemonade and you had decided on getting a second glass of the dandelion lemonade. You watched her as she was talking to her friends, trying to understand what they were talking about, but being separated from her by the several people between you made it almost impossible to hear what she was saying.

Time ticked by. You still watched her. In the beginning she had looked over at you a few times, but in the past hour she had not looked at you once. Slowly you started to get frustrated. It was okay for her to catch up with her friends, but this was supposed to be your evening. You wanted to impress her a little, flirt with her, make her blush. Instead she was eyeing the ginger man at her side. You tried to read their body languages. Did they have a fling in the past, was he maybe even her ex? Was she attracted to him? He sure as hell was attracted to her. Your frustration grew with each passing minute. If she had planned to spend the rest of the night with her friends, then why had she not told you, so you knew the 'date' was over? Was this even a date? You were pretty sure you had used the word 'date' when you had asked her out that afternoon. 'Would you like to grab a drink after the show, you know just the two of us, as a date?' You were pretty sure that this was what you had said, after all you had rehearsed this sentence hundreds of times in your head before saying it out loud. Maybe she had thought you were joking?

It was long past midnight and it had been over two hours that you had moved to the bigger table. Still nobody talked to you and Nicole seemed to have forgotten completely that you were there at all. You were upset, upset and sad and angry and jealous and disappointed and hurt all at once. You decided to give them another thirty minutes and if nothing changed, you would leave. Thirty minutes turned into forty-five and then into sixty before you finally pushed your chair back. You were shaking with suppressed anger but were trying not to show it.

You leant over the table and tried to shout for Nicole, but she did not hear you. You could not walk to her chair either, since she was sitting in the very corner, her friends shielding her from any contact you could have made.

"Hey, can you tell Nicole I'm leaving," you asked the girl you had been sitting next to.

She nodded and poked her neighbor into the side, saying something to him and pointing to Nicole and then you. You also watched how the girl's neighbor passed the message on, but then it was swallowed by the tipsy talk of some bearded guy. You gritted your teeth. Eventually Nicole would notice you were gone. And she would find her way back to the venue as well, since she had a smartphone, like everyone else.

You walked up to the counter and paid for the two drinks you had had, the pub owner shooting you an apologetic smile.

"Not the most successful of dates," he asked, taking the money from you and putting it into the till.

"Not really," you answered, taking another look at Nicole. She was so beautiful, her blond hair gently fell over her shoulder, her lips parted to a wide grin.

"Sorry for that, dear," he answered and handed you the change, "maybe this makes your night a bit sweeter."

You noticed that together with the change he had handed you a little lollipop. You smiled sadly and waved goodbye to the friendly man, then you stepped out of the door and into the night.

The street was deserted as you walked down towards the venue. You unwrapped the sweet and popped it into your mouth, lazily sucking it. It felt nice, the sweet taste of the candy replacing some of the bitterness you had gained towards the unlucky encounter in the bar, and you almost felt at peace when you walked past the bar where the rest of the crew had gone. For a moment you considered going inside and checking if they were still there, maybe to hang out with them, but you decided against it. After all you were still disappointed that this 'date', or however you want to call it, was not at all what you had imagined it would be like. Even though it had started out so nicely!

You were done with your lollipop and flicked the paper stick into a nearby dumpster when you suddenly heard hurried steps approaching you from behind.

"(Y/n), hey (y/n), wait!"

You turned around and watched as Nicole was running towards you. In the light of the street lantern you could see that her cheeks were reddened from the cool air and the running; her thin jacket hugged her frame perfectly.

"(y/n), I am so sorry," she panted, stopping a few feet away from you.

"You met a few friends and wanted to catch up, that's okay," you answered. You wanted to sound sympathetic, but instead you sounded bitter and sarcastic. You also wanted to feel guilty at the sad expression that flickered over Nicole's face, but you just felt satisfaction.

"I am so sorry," she repeated. "I haven't seen them in ages and... they really mean a lot to me. I know I should not have forgotten about you, and I am so sorry. Please, I know I have no right to ask that, but can we maybe try it again, go on another date? That is, if you still want to and I completely understand if you wouldn't because I really messed up just now. I just wanted to go on this date with you so badly and I can't believe it ended like this, and I totally understand that you are mad now, I just really like you and-"

You watched slightly amused how Nicole way waving around helplessly, trying to explain herself and apologizing in the same breath. Yes, maybe you were a little mad, but by far not as mad as she seemed to assume and after she had told you how badly she wanted to go on this date with you, you made a decision. With a few steps you were in front of her and cut of her nervous bubbling with a demanding kiss. She melted into you immediately, her hands wrapping around your neck as you pulled her into you, running your fingers up and down her spine.

When you pulled back a few moments later, a shy smile was playing around her lips.

"Second date sounds amazing," you agreed, running your hand down her arm until your fingers wrapped around hers.

"Okay," she mumbled, still slightly taken aback by your sudden kiss, but she smiled.

Hand in hand, giggling and laughing you made your way back to the venue, trying to memorize this eventful night.

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