Chapter 27: The Sleepover

Start from the beginning

"What's your favorite color?" I asked already knowing the answer.


"And why is that?" I smirked.

"B-because it's the color of your eyes..." he whispered. "What's yours? Blue?"

"Yeah, but it has been even before I met you so don't go thinking your eyes have anything to do with it."

"Oh no. Totally not. How could you accuse me of such a thing?" He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You're such a dork. Goodnight handsome."

"Goodnight Beauty." He replied.


Mostly everyone else woke up earlier than me. Like always, and I woke up late. I would've slept longer but Mia came over to shake me awake. I was surprised because Karson was lying next to me still sleeping. He must have been really tired; he would usually wake up early. I looked down and saw that we were holding hands. I wonder when that happened. I reached over and traced his jaw with my finger, feeling a little stubble.

"Good morning." He said opening his eyes. I jumped back in surprise.

"Pfft. Morning? It's literally 10:00 a.m. which by the way, how did you just wake up?! I thought you were an early bird."

"Yeah, every morning I hear him stomping around at like 5 a.m. while I'm trying to sleep," Alex said walking over. Karson blushed and wouldn't look at either of us.

"Come on tell us!" I said and his blush deepened.

"I was watching you sleep." He mumbled.

"Wait, what?" I asked dumbfounded.

"I was going to bed but I couldn't sleep and once you fell asleep I just watched you for a few hours. I didn't get pulled under until about 3:30 so that's why I woke up late..."

"Okay, aww but also, YOU FRIKEN CREEP," I yelled and Harrison shot up out of his sleeping bag.

"SHUT. UP!" He screamed but then nestled right back in.

"Geez. He's almost as grumpy as you are in the morning." Mia whispered but then got up and started running already expecting my motive. I tried standing up but I tripped over my sleeping bag and fell on my face.

"Oww." I groaned and Karson was at my side in a moments notice.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his face full of concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. MIA YOU'RE DEAD!" I crawled out and shot after her with more speed than I thought I had. After a minute of chasing her through the house, I tackled her to the ground and tickled her under her neck until she was gasping for air. "SAY YOU WON'T MAKE RUDE COMMENTS ABOUT MY SLEEPING PATTERN AGAIN. SAY IT!"

"Okay okay, I won't do it." She said in between laughs. I got off of her and walked across the room towards the kitchen.

"Anyone else?" I interjected.

"No, ma'am." They all replied in fear.

"Good. Now I'm making breakfast." I said opening the fridge. I got out eggs, cheese, milk, and spices and got to work. After mixing everything together I dumped it into the pan. I was about to grab some bread when a hand came over mine.

"Here let me help," Karson stated with a cheeky smile.

"Sure." I handed him the bread and he put it in the toaster. When it was done he started buttering it while I checked on the eggs. We worked in silence for a few minutes until I asked a question.

"Hey, I was wondering. Do you want to meet Kim and Joe today? You know, as my boyfriend?" He looked taken aback but then nodded.


"Then it's settled. We'll leave after breakfast- well, brunch."

"Now can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure," I replied scrambling the eggs.

"Why don't you have a car?"

"Oh um, well...I don't have a driver's license, and I can't afford a car." I said quietly.

"Wait why don't you have a driver's license? You turned 16 last March."

"I uh... Well, yeah I did take the test I just failed every time..."

"So you can't...Drive?"

"Nope. That's why Mia picks me up for school."

"Oh. Well I, Karson Kaleb Kape pledge to teach you, Everly Desiree Annalore how to drive!"

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course. You're going to have to learn eventually. How about after I meet Kim and Joe, I'll teach you how to drive?"

"Sure..." I said doubtfully. This was going to be a train wreck- no, a car wreck.

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