Chapter 26: Finally.

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UPDATE: I forget the song
Frisk POV

I stared at the castle with Zara, Kiri and Kid standing next to me.

"So...Returning for good?" Zara asked through her hood.


"No turning back?"

"Nope." I looked at my feet.

"Nervous?" I let out a long sigh. Kiri let go of my hand and ran ahead of us.

"Like you'll never believe." I walked forward with a little hesitation.

I approached the throne room and bow at Sans. I honestly panicked...

"You don't have to bow sweetheart." He said raising my head with his bony finger.

"Shut up Sans, I'm clearly nervous." I pouted and he chuckled.

He glanced at Zara.

"Heya. Another human?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Much better." Zara lowered her cloak.

Sans stared at her, with wide eyes. He pulled into a tight hug, along with me.

"I told you." I whispered. Kiri and Kid ran up hugging us too.

"Is he our dad mom?" Kiri whispered in my ear.

"Yup. Your a princess Kiri. And Kid a prince." I added as Kid looked towards us.

"Come on Frisk. Time to tell everyone your back." I froze on the spot.

"But I thought we were announcing it tomorrow!" He grabbed my hand and a smile plastered his face.

"We'll confuse the guards if we wait until tomorrow."

"I'll kill you one day, I swear to God." I mumbled although he chuckled and brought me to a balcony.

He slowly removed a curtain to reveal probably the entire underground.

Fuck. Everything.

"Monsters of Mt.Ebbot! I have good news! Our queen has returned!" The monsters cheer and I wave awkwardly. "She is very sorry for leaving such a wonderful kingdom."

"No I'm not." I whisper to him.

"Shut up." He whispered back. "And the best part: Our daughter is alive and well! And now heir to the throne!" He exclaims happily as Zara smiles at everyone. "I've decided that all humans to fall are to be treated as friends, not foe. I repeat, do not kill the humans!" We waved and left the balcony.

"I did not enjoy a minute of that. Just so you know." I said and he chuckled.

"Your gonna have to get used to it." We smiled and he grasped my hand.

I hope our relationship lasts this time...

I look at Sans as he starts to play tig with Kiri and kid.

He looks so happy. But...The sound of his voice yesterday...

He sounded so upset. He LOOKED upset.

I couldn't help but feel guilty. I could've been there to comfort him. To help him feel better.

But I wasn't. I was hiding in the ruins. Like a coward.

I looked towards my feet and Zara put a hand on my shoulder.

SansxFrisk Rulers Of DarknessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя