Chapter Twenty-Eight: You'll be safe with me, Eren

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Jean had to carry Eren to his room, and he had no idea he was so heavy, but it could be because he was heavily drugged and they were still wearing off. When they got to the horse faced teen's room, he sat Eren down on his bed and walked over to close the door. Eren sat there watching him, still curious on why he had to bring him here so they could talk, but he finally realized what Jean might try and do so he was on his guard. Jean walked back over to the injured teen, almost a bit too fast, causing him to try and back away but the horse face just turned around and sat down on the bed.

" So ummm... First I wanted to ask you why you did that to me that night, and second I wanted to talk about our childhood, your's and mine. If that's okay with you that is." Jean spoke with confidence in his voice so he could at least let Eren know that it was okay.

The frightened teen could tell that the older teen in front of him wasn't going to do anything to him, so he relaxed and climbed over to sit next to him. He looked at him and nodded his head so they could talk about what happened that night and why Eren did it. The injured teen was flustered as he could gladly talk about it when he was drunk and not when he was sober. 

" Well, there's something I've been meaning to tell the rest of guys for a while now, but I was always afraid you'd abandon me because of it, so I kept it to myself." He thought he'd start there as he remembered that the only other person aside from himself he told this to was Krista.

" What do you mean ' the rest of us '? What is it you didn't tell us?!" Jean was getting pent up about not being told about anything, and that only one other person knows what's been going on with the Titan shifter.

Eren really didn't want to tell him, because even though his mind was changing he still didn't want to lose his friends. He already ruined Krista's dreams by telling her, but she accepted him even for what he had told her, but by telling the others it would be like throwing water on fire. He didn't want to lose anyone with what Levi had done to him, and he didn't want to lose Levi either. He was scared and conflicted.

" I can't tell you." Eren mumbled, covering his face with his hands to hide the fact that he was about to cry from thinking about it.

Jean leaned closer to him, while still on his guard, he tried to get away, but failed. The scared teen thought that the horse faced teen would go beyond what he was doing, but this took him by surprise, but what Jean told him next surprised him even more.

" Eren, you can tell me anything. Ever since that night I couldn't stop thinking about you, and recently I've been really worried about you. I was looking for you but when I found out you were in the infirmary and in critical condition at that, I was devastated. I want to help you, Eren, but I can't do much with you going to the Captain all the time." Jean tightened his embrace around the fragile teen in front of him, but carefully as he didn't want to pain him anymore than he already was.

Before he realized it, Eren had started crying. He didn't want to but he couldn't help it, Jean was asking him to trust him like he did with the other person he told, Krista. He wanted to have another person to trust but it wouldn't be that easy for him to do. Jean probably picked up on that and hugged him a little tighter and whispered in his ear.

" Don't worry Eren, I'll be with you as long as you want, because I... I love you, Eren." The horse faced teen finally confessed to the one he had been thinking about constantly and actually realized that he was in love with Eren.

Eren was shocked, but he smiled sadistically in Jean's embrace. He continued to cry but these tears were fake, he was waiting for this horse face to confess, because once he did he'd be exactly where Eren wanted him to be.

" You d... do? I... is this from that night, or b... before then? How d... do I know you're n... not faking i... it?" Eren sobbed up words, but he was only faking, he needed to in order for Jean to think that he was weak and could over power him.

" Of course I do, I've loved you since I first saw you in the cadet core. I just wouldn't admit to it at first because you were a guy and I was interested in girls at the time, but you were different from the others, girls and guys alike. I felt calm around you but at the same time I couldn't be the one to protect you because you were always with the Captain." Jean started to blush intensely for what was about to say next, " Eren, please. Stay away from him when he comes back, I can protect you better than him, trust me, you'll be safe with me."

Eren was lost for words, the last thing Jean said to him was something his mother had told him before when he was a child. ' Why does he have to be like Her?! And why does he have to conflict my mind? No, I have a goal in sight so I just need to stick to it. ' Eren wasn't going to be swept up too easily, because he didn't want to be weak, weak to his own emotions like before.

No. He wanted to be stronger than them, and the people around him. He wanted to show that he can handle things on his own, that he doesn't need their help, so he needed to do what he has planned for Jean, Mikasa, Commander Erwin, and even Krista. The idea of it made Eren accidentally start chuckling in front of Jean.

Jean pushed the injured teen back to look at him as he had heard him chuckling, almost to sinisterly for his liking, and was scared about what was going on with his lover.

" Hahahha~ Okay, playtime's over, time to kick this into action. Say, Jean, will you keep a secret if I tell you?~" Eren leaned in close to Jean's ear and whispered, " I'm gonna play with you for a little bit, then report this as rape towards humanities hope and play with my stand in supervisor. I'll do the same to Mikasa and Krista as well. Hehaha, this is going to be a fun week.~" Eren smiled sadistically, and that was the last thing Jean saw before he was blindfolded.

AN: Ok, I don't know if this story is what you guys expected and I'm still a little lost if this even goes with the description I wrote for it, but hopefully it's close to that and my inspiration vid. Anyway, what will happen when Eren goes for Krista after Jean and Mikasa? What will Erwin do to him when he tries for him as well, and what's going to happen to Jean? Find out in the next chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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