Chapter Twenty-Three: Just kiss me, Levi

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Almost a week had passed since Eren's surgery, and he has still yet to wake. All his friends were told about his condition, so everyone decided to take turns watching over him along side with Commander Erwin, Squad Leader Hanji and Captain Levi. No one told Krista of this or of his whereabouts nor of his condition, as to spare her from this nightmare everyone else is going through. Mikasa, Armin, Levi, and even Jean would spend more time watching over the comatose boy, waiting. Waiting for him to eventually wake up and end this long lasting nightmare that shackled everyone like slaves.

It was Levi's turn to watch over the boy after Jean, and while he watched him, he studied Eren's complexion and compared it to what he looked like before all this happened. His tan skin now a mere complexion of a pale colour, his body build now showing his bones hugging onto his flesh for all to see, his once brightly coloured lips now gone purple blue hue, and his brown hair had gone a bit lighter than it was before. He wasn't well, not even close, but he was recovering and that's what drove everyone to do what they've been doing. It was all for his sake.

Every now and then the boy's fingers would twitch and his breathing would pick up, but he'd calm down after a minute or so, but when ever he did that it made Levi wonder. Either he was re-watching what he had done to the boy or it was something from his past. The man wasn't sure and frankly he didn't want to know, so he tried not to think about it. Levi took hold of Eren's hand in his own as to soothe the boy from his comatose nightmares, and leaned over his face. He pressed his forehead against the boy's and told him something.

" Eren, I know you can't hear me, but I want you to know that when you wake up, I'm going to end this with you. I'll leave, and you can live your life in peace and hopefully you can recover your previous life before all this happened. Just... just know that I'm sorry, and that I... I love you..." Levi couldn't take the pressure he put himself under just then, so he closed his eyes shut tightly. 

He tightly grabbed hold of Eren's shirt by the collar and kissed the boy hard after removing the respiratory mask off his face. What happened after took him by surprise and shock.

Eren was still unconscious but he could hear all this commotion happening around him, he over heard something like needing surgery, and he could hear crying in the distance but it was all mumbled. Then a long blank space of time had passed and he felt weird on the inside, though he was still comatose, he could hear the same crying as before and another crying voice. He just lied there in the bed unable to move or wake up, afraid of what he'd see when he did, but desperately tried to. It seemed like a long period of time had passed and he felt like he might be able to wake up this time, and as he was about to he heard a muddled voice again.

" Er-..."

' Er- what?' He thought, ' Are they talking about me again? ' His thought process was being mixed up and it hurt his head, giving him a small headache, but what he felt next was something that would be hard to forget, even after being in a coma for a long period of time. ' My... my lips? Who? Why? ' He couldn't comprehend what was going on, so he tried to wake up and this time he was able to succeed.

Eren opened his eyes to see bright lights above him, his eyes took a while to adjust and when he saw the black figure that was above him, his eyes flew open and stayed open for some time before blinking again to make sure this wasn't some never ending nightmare. The figure above him was a man, a man he knew all too well, and the sensation on his lips came back to him as the man had continued to kiss him.

Levi pulled back and to his shock and surprise Eren lay there in bed awake. He rubbed his eyes making sure they weren't playing any nasty tricks on him and looked back at the boy's face. When he realized that it wasn't a trick he smiled and laughed, sounding as if he were crying. He cupped Eren's face with his hands and looked into his eyes, and to him they were the only things that didn't change. They remained the bright shining emerald colour they've always been, but that was he had hoped for. When he looked again they weren't as bright as they were in the past, instead they were a poor sage green colour. Dull and lifeless almost, but he decided it was because he had been in a coma for about a week.

" Eren! Thank god you're alright! Everyone's so worried about you, they'll be excited to hear that you're awake no-" Levi looked at the boy and he realized something. Eren was still afraid of him, " Right, you probably didn't want to see me when you woke up, but everyone made me watch over you today, so you can blame them. Ahh! I'm so confused right now, please say something, Eren." Levi said and awaited a reply from Eren, anything would be fine as long as he said something.

Eren gulped and opened his mouth to speak, " Levi... please, kiss me again. Please." 

Levi wasn't expecting him to say that at all, but he wasn't going to do anything. Besides it was probably the pain killers still trying to wear off, so Levi took it as a joke and chuckled lightly.

" What are laughing about? Your pet's asking you to kiss him and you're laughing about it? Levi!" The teen grabbed hold of the man's shirt by the collar, causing the teen to withdraw from the pain on the inside, he breathing becoming chaotic.

" Here, you won't be able to breathe without this supporting you, and please don't refer yourself as my 'pet' anymore. You're free now, and I'll leave to go somewhere after you're discharged and fully recovered from these injuries." Levi put the mask over Eren's mouth, but the teen took it off to speak again.

" What are you doing?! Are you throwing me out?! Heh, throwing out your favorite toy after you got bored, how rich. It's so like you, Levi." Eren smirked to himself as he spoke.

Levi didn't want to talk about this at all and he wanted Eren to put his respiratory mask back on more than anything, " Eren please put the mask on, and I really don't want to talk about this."

" I'm not putting it on until I get what I want first. Oh whatever will you do?" The teen chuckled uneasily due to not wearing his mask.

Levi had no choice but to give what the brat wanted in order for him to live, so he gave in, " Fine! Just one quick kiss alright? Then you're putting this back on right away, got it?!" Eren nodded in reply, and Levi leaned in to kiss the teen.

After a few seconds the man had tried to pull away from the kiss, but Eren wouldn't let go of the man. The teen had wrapped his arms around him at one point to keep him there, so Levi had to use a bit more force to pull away. Once he did he watched Eren closely, and his eyes widened. The teen lie there in bed laughing like a maniac, and came to a stop once he caught sight of the Captain.

" Ha~ What's wrong Levi? You surprised? Or did you not expect all your hard work to actually pay off? Well, which one is it, Levi?" Eren smiled sadistically, and licked his lip.

Something flipped inside the man when the teen spoke, so he picked him up not caring about his still recovering wounds, and carried him off to his room. Levi threw the boy onto the bed and climbed atop of him and whispered something.

" You're the cause of what happens to you afterward, got it?!" And just like that Levi began to trail kisses from the boy's neck downward.

AN: Well well well, Levi still isn't going to refuse the teen, even after his change in personality. What will happen to Levi with his change in personality and what will become of their twisted bond once again? What will Eren do when he comes into contact with the person in his thoughts before all this? Find out in the next Chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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