Chapter Twenty-Eight 1/2: I belong to someone

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Levi made it to the underground city, and when he got to the entrance he had to smile to himself at the sight of decorations around the stairs leading downward. He brought a bag full of clothes he packed while Eren was still sleeping before he left with him as he descended down the stairs into the city he had abandoned. The whole ride there and even now walking down the stairs he was concerned about leaving Eren alone with everyone else, he even considered himself to be jealous. Of course no one could tell if he had anything on his mind as he tried not to show it, but inside he was concerned if he had made the right choice.

Once he got to the city's ground he looked around for where he had lived with his Uncle Kenny when he was a child, since he owned the place now after Kenny had left him. He found the house and walked inside, went upstairs to his old room and glared to himself.

" It's so filthy, looks like I'll have to clean this house up before I go out to the festival." Levi mumbled to himself as he looked around for the cleaning supplies in the house.


After Levi finished cleaning the house he went back to his room to change into his kimono for the festival. He had heard that this year's theme was about your heritage, and he was part Japanese, which made him an oriental. Of course if anyone had found out about it, then he'd be in huge trouble, but he felt safe about it since he was once the greatest thug in the city, along with his two closest friends, Isabelle and Farlan. He changed into his kimono, he had a little trouble putting it on since it had been a long time since he wore one before his mother passed away, but he managed. For some reason he thought of Eren wearing a kimono standing next to him in the mirror, smiling and giggling.

He was starting to wish for things to go back to normal, and that was part of the reason why he decided to come to the festival this year, hoping that a little bit of time would allow his friends to set his mind straight. The man disclosed the thought of the worst case scenarios and turned on his heel to leave his room, go downstairs and out the front door. When he reached the main street, everyone was wearing bright coloured outfits, and he even saw someone else wearing a kimono talking to a small group. Levi was hungry since he had just left without any breakfast, so he walked over a food stand for some snack to satisfy him until the main dinner for everyone.

" Excuse me, Ma'am? Yes, I would like one of those please." Levi pointed to a food he'd never seen made down here or above before.

The cooked smiled at him and gave him what he asked for, " There you go good Sir, ah-" The female stopped in her tracks and gawked at the man before her.

" What?" He was confused.

" Are you Levi, by any chance?" The sudden question brought near by people to turn and stare at him.

He decided to play it safe and lie to her, " Sorry Ma'am but I think you have me mixed up with him, I couldn't even compare to being him."

The girl continued to stare at him, almost as if the lie wasn't going to fool her, but he got lucky because the girl took the bait making everyone else turn around again going back to what they were doing. " Right, sorry about that. I love your kimono by the way, it looks lovely on you. Could we perhaps spend time together during the festival after I'm done here?" The girl looked away blushing.

Levi couldn't imagine himself cheating on Eren, and he wasn't about to let that happen either. The last thing he'd do was fall for a girl who just met him and because of his kimono, " I'm sorry Miss, but I'm going to have to decline. I'm sorry, but I already belong to someone."

The man took the food he had bought gently as to hopefully not make a scene with her, and handed her the money for it. Once he found a spot to sit and eat he couldn't stop thinking about Eren the whole time he ate his food.

" Please be your normal self when I get back, Eren." The man mumbled softly to himself before taking a bite.

AN: Just in case you guys wanted to know what the festival was about and what was going through Levi's head the entire time. Let's just say that he's really worried about Eren right now, hehe ^_^ Anyway, if you guys wanted to know what he was eating then use this link to see for yourself ~  It's called Takoyaki, it's a Japanese dish that can be served as a snack, lunch?, dinner?!, and for festivals. And the festival is a celebration for how long they've lived safely Underground of Wall Sina for over a century, but of course they've been celebrating this festival since Levi was a kid, so there ya go :/ Idk if that made any sense but I wanted to do something with the fact that Levi lived in the underground so this was the best I could come up with. And pretend that ring box isn't in the picture, I only used it because of the kimono. ALSO, this sorta part of the main story but at the same time it's not. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!!


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