Chapter Nine: Life's beautiful, and a cruel place

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The next morning came with a brightly shining sun, and the mourning doves singing their songs for the fallen like they do every morning. Eren woke to their sorrowful songs and the stinging pain on his nape. ' Damn it, how many more does he plan on giving me where I can't heal them. They sting like a bitch in the mornings.' He thought to himself before sitting up in the bed. He looked beside him and saw his Captain sleeping soundly, and when he tried to move his arms to stretch he noticed that Levi had been holding onto his arm. Tightly.

He sighed and let the man keep his hold for a while longer while looking behind him to look out the huge window. Even though he wakes up every morning in the same room it still feels new to him, but the view from the window behind the bed sure was something. He could see the woods from here, and if he was lucky some mornings he's see a deer with it's baby. Seeing something like that was rare. Nowadays with meat being so scarce due to Wall Maria's gate being knocked down by the Colossal Titan, hunting had been halted because of the fear of the Titans roaming beyond Wall Rose.

Before he turned his head to the sleeping Captain he saw something move outside. He looked closer and saw a deer, and a fawn with it. Eren carefully took his arm away from Levi, and shifted himself in the bed so he could watch them till they ran away. He smiled to himself when he saw the fawn jumping around as the mother watched it, and seeing this reminded him of his childhood before the out break in Shiganshina. He rested his arms on the edge of the bed, and laid his head atop of them.

Levi woke slowly, as he knew the teen next to him had awoken before him, and didn't want him to notice. It seemed like he wouldn't with his hair covering his face, but something was off. Levi knew he was staring outside, but didn't know what would be so fascinating that would keep his gaze. Finally he shifted his position, and the bed gave off a small creak.

Eren lifted his head and looked over to his right. Levi had woken up. He knew he did, but he didn't want to take his gaze off the deer outside. He looked back outside, and Levi took it the wrong way.

" Well good morning to you too, brat. Seriously what's got you so hypnotized to just ignore me like tha-"

" Shhh! Just look outside, this may be the only time you'll see this, sir! Come here." Eren whispered with excitement as he could show him this view.

Levi shifted closer to the teen to see what he was seeing, and his eyes widened. He leaned as close as he could, because something was attracting them to a bush. Both males saw an arm extend from the bush, and shortly afterwards a girl stepped out from it. Eren looked closely at her, and realized who it was and just laughed to himself. Levi had no idea what he was laughing about, so he asked.

" Hey Eren, why are you laughing? And who is that girl?"

Eren just sat there laughing even more, and turned to face him with a gentle smile. " That's Krista Lenz. She was in my training section, in the hundred-fourth, with me and the rest of my friends. She would always wake up earlier than all of us and go berry picking for our fruits for the meals. She'd always come back smiling. I guess this is why, guess she would always get greeted by the animals in the woods. Haha..."

When Eren looked back outside Krista was nowhere to be seen, but the deer still stood their ground. He continued to watch, ignoring the tear that was falling from his cheek. Levi noticed his tears, and washed them away with his thumb. He took hold of the teen's shoulder and pulled him close. Eren rested his head on the man's shoulder and let out soft sobs.

" *sniff* I... I'm sorry sir, it's just that... ugh... Just seeing those two outside reminds me too much of my past with my mother... before she was... was..." Eren broke out crying a little harder than before.

Levi still didn't know how to handle him when he got like this, so he just embraced him tightly and waited for him to calm down. He eventually did, so Levi thought it be  better for the both of them to start getting dressed for the day. 

" We better start getting ready for today. I forgot to tell you that the Survey Corps are going to hold a dance in celebration of the capture of... um... you know what forget it. Point is that you'll have to wear a suit tonight."

" Levi?"

Eren's voice rang in his head before actually taking in the fact that he called out to him. The teen still sat there on the bed looking out the window before turning to face him after the deer had run off into the woods. " Hm?"

" Someone told this to me when I was younger. ' The world can be both beautiful and a cruel place.' Without the other, it wouldn't keep surprising us is what I take from what they said. I don't know, I just felt like saying something before you left me."

Levi smirked and walked over to the teen, " I'll always stay right beside you." He ruffled the teen's hair a bit and walked over to the door. Before he left he warned Eren about tonight.

" Oh! I almost forgot. If I happen to see you flirting with any of the girls tonight, I'll take her away and make sure she doesn't come near you again. That goes for any guys other than me too. You hear me? I'll kill them if that's what it takes to make sure they understand you're mine." Eren looked at him wide eyed, and slowly nodded. " Good. Well, I got to go meet Erwin this morning for a meeting about tonight's plans. I probably won't see you until then too, so I'll have to wait for tonight to see you again."

When Levi walked out of the room, Eren took hold of the covers and hugged himself tightly. Smelling the fragrance of Levi's scent, and got off the bed. Eren's mind was breaking. He knew it too. He needed some who he knew wouldn't judge him or throw him away after telling them. But who?

He thought of one person, and smiled ruefully to himself.

AN: Ok. This is gonna be the last chapter for tonight, because I stayed up till 2:30 AM reading other Ereri stories hoping to get some ideas for after the ones I've already got, and got like no sleep what so ever. And yes I know the picture isn't from AoT, but i thought it would capture the scene, and yes ik there's no fawn, oh well. But hopefully this Chapter isn't a piece of trash 'cause I'm still writing it at 11:26 PM. BUT WOOHOO I GOT FIVE CHAPTERS DONE IN ONE DAY!!! Hope you guys enjoy them!!! 


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