Chapter 1. Reborn

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The Earth. What do we imagine when we hear this word? We all know Earth. Planet with continents surrounded by the oceans. The Blue planet. Place were humans live together with animals and nature in some order, and more or less they get along with each other. From this perspective the Earth should be a place which is somehow good and beautiful.

But this place no longer exists.

And of course, who could stand behind its doom? Humans! Who else? Why not? We have always destroyed what we had. So why make Earth an exception?

After all we've done to the Earth and to each other what else could have come except for an actual Armageddon? And when the day came the entire planet was exploding like a damn popcorn. Bombs, earthquakes, volcanoes. All of it creating a symphony of total destruction after which the world became silent.

Those few who managed to survive has left long time before the life on the Earth vanquished completely. They were willing to risk the journey that had a chance of success so small it could appear as a candle at the end of a hundred kilometers long tunnel of pure abyss.

They built two enormous starships to leave this madness for good. They've loaded the most necessary supplies, armed themselves with science and technology that was supposed to protect them and help them survive until they would find their new home. And so it all began.

Date: 13. 7. 3200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Subject: Spaceship SS–2 Terranova 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Crew: 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The list of passengers has loaded below this report. The crew consisted of three hundred and fifty civilians sorted to families, two hundred soldiers and fifty members of scientific team.

Target: Sector Ní 3;3;13; planet type 13074 (Vexa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vexa was a planet very similar to Earth. It circulated around its sun in the same distance, the axis of the planet was curved in the same angle and the conditions of planets air and environment were sufficient for human life.

There were four other planets in Vexas solar system. Chorsidor and Farlonei before Vexa, Perzefona and Grantan behind it. Vexa had three moons blue Solnor, red Krynos and white Ternaton. They were quite small and each of them had different orbit lane. There was as well a small star of a size of a half of former Earths moon named Linola.

Since the two ships split their ways to cover more of the huge cosmos the Vexa was the best target humans found in a hundred years and they've decided to give her a try.

Pilot was sitting in his cabin and drove the ship in its direction. Everything was calm and fine. The air conditioning blew air with lemon smell inside of a room. Machines were quietly whizzing near his feet and behind the ships front glass was Vexa bathing in the suns rays, and its great ocean was right in front of a ship.

Pilot yawned and stretched himself in a chair. He moved in it around all machines and checked them for results. The results were fine and so he turned on the autopilot and set coordinates for the target.

He left the room and went to the kitchen to make himself a coffee. The door opened before him and he passed through a long hall. He entered the elevator and rode up to the kitchen floor. Passing to the cabinets he waved back at a cook and he made himself a coffee.

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