01 | Trusted Companion

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     "Thank you for the material, dearie," Recovery Girl mused over the collected data shown on the monitor. "Research is getting a little easier with those machines of yours." Sachi Bakugou smiled sweetly as the old woman mentioned the expensive technology that adorned her small body. A sleek black collar with matching bracelets, that continually recorded readings of her bodily functions, like her heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, etc.

     Today was another day at U.A. Academy with Recovery Girl, transferring collected data from the collar to a monitor for research purposes; a long, thin USB cord was removed once the download was finished. With the new recordings, Recovery Girl made calculations and assessments before writing a pill prescription for the next month.

     Sachi glided her thin fingers along the smooth metal around her wrists as she softly kicked her feet from the bedside she sat on, gazing at the medical equipment that loitered the room.

     Room 57-B of the U.A. Infirmary was devoid of any other patients. A monitor was displayed on top of the wooden desk, which hummed quietly to the ticking of the afternoon hour of a nearby clock. A sharps container hung to the right of the door and thin white curtains dangled lifelessly next to a fake potted plant. A fern of some sort. Warm afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows behind the vacant beds, giving the mostly empty room some color.

     After a couple of clicks of a pen, Recovery Girl handed the prescription to the young lady, who took the papers and slid them carefully into her small bag.

     "Make sure to take the pills twice every day by mouth," the old nurse reminded, "drink lots of water and contact me immediately if anything happens or seems abnormal. Your next appointment will be in two weeks, and if the readings are stable like the past couple weeks then the appointments will be one month apart."

     Sachi nodded then stood. "Alright. Thank you again!" She bowed before exiting the room. The old woman replied with a sweet smile and a nod, waving Sachi off as the door closed.

     As Sachi strolled through a polished corridor, exiting the medical wing, she was reminded that the new school year was about to start for U.A. High on Monday by the preparation of classrooms and the bustling pro-hero teachers.

     On her way to the main staircase, she had already spotted professors Snipe and Ectoplasm, whom she politely greeted and to which they returned the gesture.

     "WELL IF IT ISN'T SACHI BA-KU-GOU!" A loud voice echoed from behind. Sachi turned at once and her smile grew upon her rosy cheeks. Present Mic was striding towards her, arms open wide with a man dressed in a black suit and white scarves. "COME AND GIVE YOUR OL' PAL A BIG HUG, WHY DON'T YA!?"

     Not refusing, Sachi jogged over to her loud companion, hugging him tightly while minding his support item.

     "How's my little buddy doin' today? Another meet-up again? Or are ya here to visit?" Mic asked, much quieter now that his friend's close.

     Sachi giggled, "I'm doing fine and it was another appointment. Sorry to disappoint you, Mic." Sachi stepped back and observed the other man's bored expression. She bowed politely. "My name is Sachi Bakugou. It's very nice to meet you, sir!"

     "I know who you are. From the medical documents and from Present Mic, who won't stop talking about you," —the man in black nodded in return— "and I'm Eraser Head, but call me Aizawa."

     Present Mic laughed. "Come on, man! Show some more enthusiasm! She's famous because of me!" Sachi scoffed lightly, remembering one of the interviews Mic had in the past. Instead of answering questions about himself, he mostly talked about his companion, the special guest of U.A., the school that brought up some of the most powerful heroes.

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