I stretched out my arms over my head. I had cried long enough.

Walking out of the alley with my mind in the clouds I accidentally ran into a soft yet hard body.

'Please don't be Bankotsu.' I thought to myself as I opened my eyes only to be met with familiar honey brown eyes.

It was Ryuk.
The one that was fighting with Bankotsu when I first came to this city.

"Hello!" I greet with a smile.
"And hello to you, my lady!" He responds with a heart warming smile.

"What are you up too? Is that monkey with you?" He says glaring behind me. I'm guessing by monkey he was referring to Bankotsu.

"Just roaming around really." I say shrugging.

"Well, I'm off running a few errands, maybe even get some lunch. Would you care to join? It's not everyday a goddess bumps into me." He says winking at me.

A light blush appeared on my cheeks. I smiled at him.
"Sounds like fun!" I respond.

He held out his hand to me.
"Shall we?" He says smiling at me.

Bankotsu would be furious with me, more than he already was but for some reason I didn't care. I wanted to get his attention but got Ryuk's instead.

I took a deep breath. Should I go or not? You know what? I will go. I can make my own choices. I am my own person.

So I slid my hand into his, smiling back at him.

He chuckled.
"We shall than!"

He took me all over the city. Introducing me to some of the locals, showing me old buildings, and helping me memorize the rules of the city and the layout.

We walked pass a little cart with lots and lots of flowers. I stopped in my tracks to admire them.

From traveling with the band of Seven I got to see the country side and the one thing that caught my attention was flowers.

Back at the facility I had a lone little white flower growing from my window. I couldn't reach the flower due to the window being very high up but I could always see it.

It was my muse.

"You like the flowers?" Ryuk asked as he leaned in next to my face.

"Oh yes! Especially the purple ones." I say admiring the flowers.

Ryuk walked up to the cart, greeted the elderly woman and proceeded to bundle up some flowers.

He had grabbed a mixture of purple wild flowers, daisies, roses and lavender. Handing the bouquet to the woman she quickly tied a white string around them, bundling it all up before handing it back to Ryuk in exchange of a single gold coin.

She smiled warmly at us before nodding.

"Here you go! Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman." He says as he hands me the flowers.

I gasped.
The flowers he picked were so pretty.

Diving my nose into the petals I inhaled before going into a sneezing fit.

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