Please don't hate me

Start from the beginning

North gave Markus an angry look before pushing past him and leaving the way we came in.

"I'm sorry North just wants what is best for everyone. She hasn't had the best experience with Humans. You can understand why she doesnt trust you" Markus said leading me to the observation deck window

"yeah but she doesnt have to be such a bitch about it" I mumbled under my breath. I reached the window and looked down at a room full of androids. Some of them very badly damaged, missing limbs, caved in heads some were even riddled with holes. I felt pain in my heart why are humans so disgusting. How can anyone do this to another thing alive or not. 

"that there is David" he said softly pointing at an android with horrid scaring on his face" He was a maid, his master threw boiling soup in his face because it was to hot for them to eat. Soup leaked into his eye and now he is partially blind. 

I winced 

"That is Rosie, She was a nanny. until the children got too old and the family threw her out on the side of the road" He said pointing at another android. " that is Jackson, his parents decided they didnt want a child android anymore so they left him alone at night in the middle of no were." Markus voice grew angry " I could go on, and on" he said turning me to face him, holding me in place with his  intense state.

" Markus I don't know what you want from me" I said quitely. He searched my eyes for a second. 

"Jayne, you know how to fix bio components if we can get the old ones working we wont have to steal so much. You can run checks on us you know how to get us all working to the best we can" He shook his head. "We need you" He said emphasising every word. the room fell silent as i stared into Markus eyes. The eyes of a desperate man who wanted what was best for his people, even if it carried risk. 

"Markus I-" I was inturped by a yelling from down below. 

"Help us! Please God someone help us" Two androids entred the floor one was bleeding heavily from his torso, he hold chest cavity exposed.  Markus, josh and simon ran out of the room. Me hot on there trail. I saw the android fall to the ground as i reached the bottom step. I had to help I just had to. I felt my auto pilot take over as i pushed past, ignoring the wispers from the other androids. 

"is that a human" 

"Why is she here?"

"get him onto the table" I demanded pulling the boxes of supply of the table located in the centre of the floor. I pulled the dynastic machine to the side of the table as the android cried in pain being lowered on the table. 

"Whats his name!" I shouted to the room hooking him into the machione 

"John, Its john please help him" The other android sobbed 

"Hi John, I'm Jayne. what happened buddy?" I asked going round the other side of him to examine his wounds. his thirium pump was badly broken, causing his heart to slow and beat irregular. The android didnt answer me instead he just sobbed. 

"Help me! Please I dont want to die Please!" He screamed. The sound rang in my ears I couldnt think he had about 5 minutes before his body would shut down. think Jayne think. I felt Markus beside me. 

"Jayne What do you need?" He asked the Sobbing grew louder I couldnt think my brain had gone into shock. 

"JAYNE!" Markus shouted breaking me out of my head. 

"I DONT WANT TO DIE GOD HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE!" john cried the other android sobbing harder trying to get to the table.

be brave Jayne Be Brave. 

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