Chapter 21

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We followed her down to the Quidditch Pitch, Something I'd Regretted very much, Stepping into that place once more.

Nothing had changed since the last time I saw it, I still hated it just as much as I did on the day I was here last.

"You may want to keep your distance, Carlisle."

"And Why would I do that exactly?" I replied quickly before he spun me around, facing the way we came from.

He gave me a look, An odd little stare, One that looked almost as if he were concerned about me.

Eileen kept her head down as she walked past me, To the scene behind me, Which apparently, I wasn't allowed to see.

"Do As I Say, Or I will personally tie you down to a pole if I have to."

I only laughed, But I still stayed facing away, Even if I really wanted to look.

"Oh, Is that a threat?" I smirked.

He Ignored, Instead he continued observing the scene without me.

"I believe your father may have left a message for you," He said, I heard what sounded like the tearing of paper.

"What? What is it? What does it say?"

Instead of saying it aloud, He handed me the paper with large scribbled letters.


"Is that really all he's got?" I tore the paper to shreds, laughing while I did. "iT'lL bE yOu NeXt"

"Apparently, So." said the Professor, who turned back towards me. "Alert the others, Staff and Order Members, As quick as you can."

"Me? I'm not your bloody messenger for Merlin's sake!"

I whipped around, Not at all realising the horrors I would find.

And then, I knew I should've listened to him, I never should've turned.

"Oh, gods." I choked, Spinning back around as quick as I could.

But I could still see it as clear as day in my head, I could smell the tangy metal stench that was still spilling from the body.

The Dead Body of Reynald Wallace, Tied to a pole on the very spot where I killed my sister.

"What did I tell you, You should've never come in the first place!" He shouted, Kneeling to the ground beside me, But not even he could stop the monster from escaping me.

I screamed, Loud and clear, Almost like a howl.

Hunger took over me, A Strong thirst for that blood, And soon enough, I lost all control.

"You, Get out of here! Get help while you're at it." Snape shouted to Eileen, While holding me down with his full weight.

I fought, struggled underneath him, I wouldn't - couldn't - stop, Ever.

"Breathe, Carlisle, Just breathe-"

I both cried and screamed, reaching for the body, for the Blood.

All I needed was just a little bit of it, Maybe a sip or two, I went completely mad for it.

And Within seconds, Severus and I were apparating away, back to the walls of Hogwarts, Away from it.

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME, PEASANT!" I growled, licking my lips at the mere thought of blood running down my aching throat.

'And Why are we going towards all the thousands of little HUMANS!?' I said in my mind, But no one would ever hear me, at least not while the beast took over.

Before I knew it, I was being chained down to a hospital bed, Many of the arriving staff watching on with their wands directed right towards me.


Even McGonagall and Now Dumbledore, Who'd clearly just arrived back here to find a blood-sucking beast causing chaos, thrashing about like a bloody lunatic.

"She needs something to calm her down, There must be a tonic or potion to help her!" said McGonagall, Instantly rushing to my side, only to step back once again when I lashed out at her.

'I'm Sorry, I can't help it.'

Professor Snape stepped forward, Shaking his head slowly, gazing down at me, still screaming and howling away.

"There is only one thing we can do."

I knew exactly what he was thinking, And I wish I could've stopped him, But I was powerless.

'No, NO!' I tried to scream, But I was too slow.

He'd already grabbed a blade and pressed it into his wrist, allowing me to sink my teeth into him.

As much as I didn't want to, I had no choice.

It was the best feeling ever, for a second, until it was too much, Until I got a little too carried away.

"Severus, Stop," Dumbledore called, raising his voice only the slightest bit.

I felt like I was going to pass out, and By the looks of it, He did too.

I pulled myself away before I could take any more, when he fell to his knees beside my bed.

'Not dead, Not dead, Not dead.' I thought.

I was at the stage where everything was blurry, I was slowly gaining control of my body again.

The Last thing I remembered was Me falling off the bed beside him, holding his arm for as long as I could, Until I was gone.


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