Chapter 11

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   I dropped into a crouch once I reached the ground, staying under the shadows of the trees and blending in with the swaying grass.

Surprisingly, They hadn't even bothered to put any spell around my room, to keep me locked in.

No, I only had to slip through the window and there I was, Out of the castle and on my way to seek revenge.

Or so I'd hoped.

"Back at it again, Carlisle." A growl from my right, where a black silhouette stood, waiting.

"Fuck," I muttered quietly to myself, Attempting and failing to run or escape his grasp when he reached me.

"What did I say about going outside." He said, raising his only the slightest bit above a whisper. "You are not to go outside, especially if there is someone waiting to kill you."

"I'm a Fucking Vampire, I don't need the help of a bloody witch."

"Wizard." He corrected me with an even deeper growl. "And Professor."

I laughed, A little too loud this time.

"Ha, Like that's any better."

He still didn't release his grip on my shoulder, only gripping on tighter when a rustle through the trees to my left could be heard.

The sound of crunching leaves became louder until their loud footsteps halted, surrounding us both.

"So, You fell right into my trap." That voice said, far different than what I'd last heard.

His voice had gotten deeper, unlike the high and squeaky little boy's voice I remembered.

I dreaded the day I'd ever hear it again, I wish I had never heard it in the first place.

"Shit," I whispered, low enough that only I could hear it.

"It's nice to finally see you again, Liz." He said, just as he stepped out of the shadows and revealed himself.

Blue eyes just as sparkly as I'd remembered, Slick and Shiny black hair falling over his forehead.

'Just as fucking ugly as before.'

"Such a shame, I can't say the same for you, Hallow."

I heard a few whispers between the bodies closing in on us, their wands pointed straight at our necks.

"My Name is Geoffrey, Not Hallow." He smiled, Extending a hand for me to shake, a hint of a smirk there. "But you can call me Geoff."

"No thanks," I smirked, Taking his hand and twisting it until I heard a crack and his arms twisted with it.

He winced in pain, but no one, not even the people around us tried to do anything.  

And With that, I threw him to the ground where he kneeled, clutching his arm in pain back.

"Good to know you haven't changed one bit." He spat, Slowly getting back up to his feet. "And Why might you be here, Professor?"

The two glared each other down, Both with their wands at the ready, just in case.

He didn't bother answering, Only raising his wand higher while stepping between Me and Him.

"Ooh, You two aren't being naughty are you? Did I interrupt something?" He smirked, looking between the two of us, who only frowned harder.

'WHAT?! No, I would never.' 

"I assure you, What we do is none of your concern." Snapped the Professor, which only made it worse.

I shot a quick glance at the Professor, One which he shot right back at me.

'What the actual fuck are you trying to do?!' I shouted in my mind. 'I hate you to bits, you darn dung beetle.'

"I'm sure father would like to hear about that now wouldn't he?" Hallow said directly to me, sending me the quickest wink. "Such a bad girl."

This time, I lept at him and grasped at his neck, squeezing hard until he almost couldn't breathe.

Behind me, I heard spells being thrown from the Professor to the men piling on us, constant and quick.

"I will get you for this, Carlisle." He growled from behind.

I could only look at the reddening face of Geoffrey Hallow, As he held onto life just by the tiniest bit.

"You insolent little-!" I went to shout, my words being cut off instantly, as if now I was fighting for air.

And with a single wave of his hand, He had even more men flying at us from the shadows, having to hold us down to the ground.

I struggled in their grasp, thrashing against the chains now bound to my arms and legs.

My body felt completely frozen, Stuck and Unable to move at all.

There was now nothing I could do, absolutely nothing.

Those fierce blue eyes met mine once again, full of anger and rage, yet completely cool and calm.

He rubbed the red lines circling his neck, still gasping for breath when he came closer and finally halted.

"Oh, You'll regret that," Hallow growled, A glowing shield spread around his fist as it connected with my face within a split second.

It felt like a wall of ice slamming into my face, Or a steaming hot wave of lava splashing down my cheeks.

The Last thing I saw was his piercing blue eyes, before everything, including his eyes, disappeared and faded into darkness.

Nothing but Darkness.


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