Chapter 13

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When I left that room was when I finally noticed a tear slipping down my cheek, wiping it away before anyone could see.

Once I made my way up the stairs, I knew wasn't, quick footsteps followed close behind.

"Elizabeth, Wait," He chased after me, even attempting to grab my arm to stop me in my place. "I have to tell you something."

"Tell me what, That you miss me? Or that regret my entire childhood."

He hesitated for a second, slowly blinking at me before finally answering.

"It's Your Mother, Your real mother." He sighed.

I completely froze, even my breathing slowed, as if time itself had stopped at that exact moment.

Gwynivere De Villier, The Woman whom he had once called "The Most beautiful woman in the entire world." 

Just like me, She had both Silver Eyes and Hair and an extremely pale complexion. 

I only ever had one picture of her before she died, And Now it's long gone thanks to my pathetic excuse of a father.

And Unlike me, She was extremely kind and caring, exactly the opposite of what you would expect from any Vampire.

That was all I was ever told about her.

"What about her? I thought you forgot about her ages ago?"

He looked as if he could almost laugh aloud, but no, he remained the same, completely emotionless.

"She's alive and We need to find her."

"No, You're lying," I said, backing away up the stairs even further. "She died giving birth to me."

'She's dead.'

He quickly glanced over my shoulder, then back to me.

A cold breeze softly blew at my back, The sound of a doorknob slowly turning could be heard.

"I'll tell you everything, I promise."

The Large black door at the very end of the hallway behind me swung open, then soon footsteps followed.

As soon as it had opened, Eleazar, My Father, Pushed past me and urged me to follow too.

And Surprisingly, I did.

That same guard from before stepped out into the hallway, heading straight towards us and halting before bowing to us both.

"Sir, Your guests are waiting in the  third dining hall." He said, quickly rushing past us both and down the stairs where we came from.

'The third dining hall?' I said to myself.

I instantly remembered, taking in the view of this long hallway, our hallway.  

We had three separate dining hall in our house, though we only ever used the one on the second floor.

'Am I.. Home?'

I'd never been in the basement before, which was now the dungeons.

And the first floor was just the same as ever, Empty, Cold and Dark.

'How did I not recognize this before?'

"Is there something wrong?" He asked, waiting once again for me to follow.

"Yes, There is." I laughed. "You brought me back here? of all places?"

"It is our home, I thought you might be happy to be back here rather than.." He trailed off, spinning back towards the doors to the dining hall.

The Half Breed Princess (Snape X OC) (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant