Chapter 6

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The Silver of my claws dug deep into the stone as I pushed myself higher and higher.

I climbed one of the tallest towers of Hogwarts, Swiftly and Silently.

The View from above was definitely much better, A View of the afternoon sky and the sun beginning to dip beyond the horizon.

The Warmth of The sun on my skin felt amazing, A funny little tingling sensation that almost felt as if I was being tickled to death.

Those same rays of light reflected off the black surface of the lake ahead, Making for the perfect portrait.

When I was only 7 I began painting, Both Moving and Still Pictures, Until My Father threw it all away.

Even my favourite enchanted golden brush, My very first and last paintbrush to ever have.

I would've loved to paint this view, If only I knew how to paint anymore.

I lept to my left and clung to the next tower, then the next, until I was up at the very top of it.

The Wind blew and brushed through my hair, A soft and gentle feeling that I missed so much.

The Fresh Air, The View, The Freedom, It all made me feel almost invincible in a way, like a brave hero from a storybook.

 Except, in reality, I was the villain, The Evil Monster who murders her own sister.

Rose was the hero, She was the one who was always there for me, Even when she hated me.

She stuck by my side, Even through my years at Hogwarts while I was thrown to the ground, Or even beaten until I cried in pain, She endured all that, For me.

I couldn't help but feel guilty for those times, And Maybe I should've done something to prevent it from ever happening.

I breathed in deep, Taking in the fresh cold breeze wrapping me like a blanket.

For the first time yet, I looked down, straight down to the field below, a completely empty space of green.

I sighed, Readying myself, "Well, I gotta get back down there somehow."

I lept back downwards to a shorter tower, Hanging and swinging from a thin ledge to another, Then a roof.

From there, I jumped, Plummeting towards the earth until I landed with a thud, Leaving only a little dark patch in the grass where I landed, face first. 

Usually, when I did something like that, Leaping off something extremely tall, I would always feel completely fine after that, But this time my legs felt a little weaker.

I felt extremely wobbly in the legs, I had to lower myself to the ground, Kneeling in the thick mass of grass.

I bet I probably looked utterly ridiculous right now, If anyone saw me, now lying on the ground.

"Miss Carlisle? Are you alright there?" I heard a friendly voice say.

'Uh oh.'

I shot to my feet in an instant, Straightening before her as she approached me. 

"Professor McGonagall?" I said. "Wait, You Remember Me?"

She smiled a bright, kind smile, One I hadn't seen since my very first day here at Hogwarts.

"Why, Of course, dear, You were the smartest student of your year."

"I was?"

Really, In reality, I was probably at the very bottom of the class, with the lowest of grades.

Yet somehow, She still remembered me?

"Yes, As hard as that is to believe, In fact, You were one of my favourites."

'I bet she probably says that to every student she meets.'

I was the one who always sat at the back of the class, Alone in the corner, Where I thought I might even be invisible.

But Apparently, I wasn't, Not entirely at least.

"What might you be doing out here at this time?"

I looked back to the towers, Then the sunset behind me, Whilst shrugging in answer.

"I was just-um... Exploring, While watching the sunset." I said, Almost nervously even though I really wasn't lying, I had nothing to hide from them.

"And By Exploring, You mean climbing the towers?" She chuckled. 

"Oh Yes! and That was for my.. Exercises.. as well." I lied, Again.

Though clearly, she knew, By the amused look on her face as she shook her head.

"No need for the silly excuses, Elizabeth." She laughed. "You're not going to get in trouble."

At that, I relaxed a little more, Even If I wasn't doing much to get me in trouble, I still had a feeling I might.

When I looked back up, Her face was calm and unemotional for the slightest second, A mask of nothing but calmness.

The Face of The McGonagall I feared in my first few school years.

"Unless, You are late for dinner in the Great hall, For our special guest." She then smiled.

'Ah, A joke, great.'

"A Special Guest?" I frowned. "Who?"

"You! My dear, Come on."

The School Bell chimed at exactly that second, A signal for dinner time.


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