Chapter 24

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So far, We'd gotten as far as the edge of the Forbidden forest when we stopped for a break.

Eileen had actually dropped to her knees and lay against the trunk of the tree, So out of breath, I was beginning to get worried.

"Argh, I can't continue for much longer, break." She breathed,

'Maybe I should've just left her under Dumbledore's care, She's already worrying me.'

"If you need to rest, That is what we'll have to do."

I handed her a bottle of water, at which she stared with wide eyes as if she'd never seen such a thing before.

It was only a few seconds later until she'd already finished it all in one go.

"Ahhhhhh, Much better." She sighed, Relaxing just that little bit more.

I leaned against another tree across from her, Sliding down until I too was on the ground.

"So, Why did you really come? Instead of staying safe at Hogwarts?"

It took a little while, But she finally looked up at me, And merely shrugged in answer.

"I guess I just wanted to make sure you'd make it out alive, Or at least in one piece."

For the first time, In a long time, I felt my heart completely shatter inside my chest.

Not once had I had someone who cared that much for me, Someone who'd actually go out of their way just to keep me alive - eeeeexcept maybe one other person..

"I don't want him to do the same thing to you as he did to my brother."

Torn to shreds, Left to die alone and drenched in his own blood, Even missing a few external organs... Just what I needed.

"I'll be fine, I'm a Vampire but no just any Vampire, I'm A Fearless and Invincible Vampire!" I laughed, pausing when she raised a single eyebrow. 

The Smallest rustle in the bushes had me on my feet in an instant, Fists curled and ready for action, while Eileen just sat there laughing at me.

'Okay, Maybe not entirely fearless and invincible.'

"You were saying?"

Even if It was just a little noise in the trees, I kept my gaze on that same spot, waiting, waiting...

"Seriously, What is it? Is it a wolf or something?"

 Another rustle, And a loud crunch, Far louder to be any regular animal.

And as if out of nowhere, A head popped out of that bush, A very familiar head.


By the time he'd noticed us, He was already out of the bushes, dusting the dirt and sticks stuck to his clothes.

There were even leaves tangled in his hair, Just like the last time I saw him.

"Oh good, It's a Human," said Eileen, Hopping up to stand beside me.

"Fangs? What are you doing here?" He answered, looking more frightened than I'd ever seen him.

"Fangs?" Eileen repeated, snorted at the name, earning a quick glare from me.

Right, Fangs, What a stupid name.

"What are you doing here?"

The last time I saw him was in this very forest, Just after I'd left the pack.

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