Chapter 16

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From the moment I first saw them, I panicked, And Even though at least Half an hour later, After I'd gotten them all out, I still panicked.

'Where was I going to take them? How the fuck would I be able to take care of them properly?'

For the first few minutes in that room, All they did was crying at the sight of me, Thinking I was there to kill them Or Drink their blood.

So at first, It wasn't very easy to communicate with them, Until one of them stepped forward.

The Little Boy - Who actually looked more like a girl than I did - Only two years older than Eileen, Reynald Wallace, Now going by the name Rey.

He was unlike the others of course, Other than the fact that he was a boy, but he was actually a Muggle-born, without even knowing.

"They were going to take my sister, But Instead, I went in her place." He'd said.

He pointed to his long black hair and dirt-stained nightgown, Blushing from embarrassment.

"I had to disguise as a girl, That's why I changed my name, Make it sound more... Girly."

And Another girl, One of the other silent ones finally talked, Standing proud and tall, No longer chained to the wall.

"Where will you take us?" She asked repeatedly, Her voice shaky and quiet at first.

Now, I honestly had no Idea, I could only think of one place, even if it were just for now.

"I will take you someplace safe, Where you will be protected."

And After that, They all obeyed, All of them dropping to their knees in front of me.

"Thank you, We are forever in your debt."

The Exit wasn't far away at all, In fact, We only had to go through another hallway, And There it was.

A rusty metal door with another large lock waited at the end of the hallway, And was surprisingly easy to open.

I waited until every single one of them was out until I blocked the doorway, And finally locked it up again.

And Now that we were out, Past hallway to Hogwarts, I panicked.

"Hey, Are you alright?" asked Rey, Beaming through his thin black fringes.

I sat on a large rock while the girls rested by the water, Taking in as much as they possibly could.

"I think so, and you?"

He shrugged, Slumping next to the rock and beginning to play with the long yellow grass at his feet.

"I'm... S-Scared."

He sniffled a little, Crying silently into his palms.

Before, I'd never noticed the necklace he clutched to his heart, A silver heart-shaped locket.

"Hey, don't be sad, It'll be alright," I said with a gentle pat on the back. "We'll get you home as soon as we have him dealt with."

"But what if he finds us before then? He'll kill us for sure!"

I almost thought he'd kill me when I was young, But no, He was too weak to kill me.

And Yes, He did torture the heck out of me, But Not once did he ever really try to kill me, Or anyone I was near.

"As long as I'm here, He won't dare touch you, Ever again."

I tossed him a glossy green apple from a tree overhead, Messing up his fuzzy black hair even more when I softly pat his head.

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