Chapter 9

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The Only thing I could think of was those letters once I made my way back to my rooms, An Order from McGonagall.

I held those letters in my hands, I couldn't stop staring t them ever since I'd left.

Maybe It is my father, But Why does he really need to do all this just to kill me?

'We're coming, Definitely sounds like him.'

He's never been alone, In fact, He always has a little pack following behind him everywhere he goes, like bodyguards.

Though the last time I saw him, Was the first time I ever saw him alone.

I still had that long scar he gave me before I left, From the staff he carried around all over the place.

The Sharpness of the tip of it slicing into my side, I remembered, It still hurts to this very day.

I shook my head rapidly, Blinking away that thought, I was still in the same hallway, except I'd stopped.

And when I rounded a corner, I didn't expect it, but Eileen was bolting towards me, with a wide smirk across her face.

She was running and screaming, but from what?

"Oh Perfect!" She muttered once she saw me, slowing down in front of me. 

"Hide Me!" She said as she ran under my cloak and hid there behind me.

"What did you do now?" I asked, sharing her smirk as well.

She merely pushed me forward into a walk, following behind me in my steps.

"Just keep walking, Act completely normal." She whispered.

Around the corner, a dark shadow grew closer, Until it turned and happened to be storming right towards us.

Shadow Bat, Drama Queen, and Professor of Doom and Darkness himself glared right into my very soul.

He came to a halt just a metre away, glancing quickly between me and over my shoulder down the hall.

"You don't happen to know where Miss Grayling is, Would you?" He growled, folding his arms across his chest.

Part of Me knew that he knew she was there, Hidden under my cloak, Though he didn't seem to do anything about it.

He didn't even bother to look there, At the little bump at my back.

"No, I don't," I said, meeting with a hard glare of my own. "And Even if I did, I certainly wouldn't tell you," I smirked.

A quiet sneeze came from the back of me, Luckily silent enough that he couldn't have possibly heard it anyway.

He merely sighed and began to rush off in the opposite direction.

"Next time, Carlisle." His voice faded away, along with his quick, swift footsteps.

"Is he gone?"

I didn't even need to look back, I could already tell I'd probably scared him off, He'll probably be all the way on the other side of the school by now.

"Yup, The Coast is clear... That I know of." I knelt beside her once she found her way out of my cloak. "You've got anyone else against you, Have you?"

She shook her head, Tugging at the blue fabric of my hood.

"You need a new cape, This one is way too dusty." She pulled it outwards, spreading it like a single wing. "And It looks a little bit big as well."

I began to walk, Tugging my cloak back to myself before I finally replied.

"It's fine how it is." I laughed, "And It's supposed to be a little bit too big."

'Because it was my sister's.'

She was far taller than me, Even at her age, She taller than most of the students at school.

Which made it even worse for me, with having to walk in a cape just a little too long, dragging behind me on the floor.

"Okay then." She skipped ahead. "Thanks for that, By the way!"

I only laughed, watching her skip away until she disappeared and I found myself at the doors of the library.


For hours, I spent my time looking through old books, through shelves and piles of them.

I had no idea what I was looking for, but I had a feeling I should at least try doing something, other than just panicking over everything.

"Words, Numbers and Names: An Encyclopedia." I read aloud, plucking it off of the shelf.

As soon as I began flipping through it, I was disappointed to find nothing useful at all.

"Whatcha looking for?" A voice chimed in from behind me, from which I almost jumped in fright.

Eileen, Again.

"Something that can help me figure out this note."

I handed her the second note, At which she only frowned down at it, reading it multiple times just as I did.

"What on Merlin's beard is that supposed to mean? What's Team E?"

"I'm thinking it might be some secret word, like a code, a secret code hidden in the message itself."

She smirked, Hopping up a ladder to the tallest shelf in the room, coming back down with a book in her hand.

"The Book you're looking for is 'Palindromes and Anagrams',"

A little blue book was handed to me, The Title Palindromes and Anagrams was written across the middle in big white letters.

"How the hell did I not think of that?" I muttered more to myself than anyone else.

"I spent all of my first few months reading and memorizing almost every book in this library, Including that one." She pointed to the cover.

'Every single book?! Holy shit..'

"Well, I guess that officially makes us even now." I bowed lowly with a laugh from both of us. "I thank you."

"You're welcome."


An hour later, I sat back at my desk, both reading through the book while rearranging words on paper.

Luckily, I had another book with me to teach me spells and charms to help, Instead of having to write everything down myself.

After all, I still had my old wand, though I hadn't bothered to use it ever since Hogwarts, or I just didn't want to.

A wand of Grey Stained Rowan wood and a Rare Hippogriff feather core, 13 inches in length and Unbending flexibility. 

The Only gift I ever received, The Wand of My late mother before she left when I was barely even a day old.

The Black Words fluttered around on the small piece of parchment, arranging and rearranging constantly all by itself.

'Teammates Thee Get? A Mates teeth get me? Mama Gee teeth test?'

The Words slowed to a stop, Hovering above the paper with a faint glow.

For what felt like forever, I repeated it over and over.

"Why didn't I think of this before?"

Meet me at the gates.

And Below that, What was once La Howl became another word, A Name.


I had only one word on my mind.



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