Chapter 8

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Ever since I woke from that nightmare, I couldn't sleep, especially when I'd read that note shortly afterwards.

"We're coming? Who?" I mumbled to myself, slouching over my desk by the window.

I quickly scribbled on a piece of parchment, A bunch of random words and letters I could think of.

The Majority of those words were names of people I had seen last, other than the werewolves.

'Who would send something like this? Could it be anyone I know?'

La Howl may have sounded like a wolfy name, but it's definitely not any of the werewolves I know.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden bang at the window, And In flew an auburn coloured owl, one I'd certainly never seen before.

It flew away before I could even move, And on my desk, it left behind another note.

The Same handwriting, The Same Blood Red ink, But A Different message.

 "Team E gets the meat."

Again, The Same name appeared below, La Howl, with a little lion emblem next to it.

 The wax seal had a matching one as well.

'Team E? Meat? What?'

I had to read the words over and over again, and yet they still made no sense at all.

"There must be something I'm missing."

I instantly got to my feet, Wrapping my cloak around me as I headed out the door.


I stormed into the office, charging straight for the front desk and slamming the notes down on his desk.

"What the fuck is this?" I growled, fuming with sudden anger. "Is this some joke or something?"

Dumbledore only looked up at me in confusion, though remaining cool and completely calm,

Even if I was not.

"No need for such words, Carlisle," Dumbledore said calmly. "We can sort this out without the attitude or not at all."

I took another quick breath and seated myself across from him, trying my best to remain still.

"Much better." He said, before finally taking a look at the notes.

I could easily spot the confusion in his eyes, just like mine when I'd first read those notes.

And Just like me, He had to read them several times, Yet they still made no sense whatsoever.

"Do you happen to have any enemies who may possibly be after you?"

"Only my father... That I know of."

He simply nodded, placing the paper back on the desk in front of him.

"And Your Father is against you why exactly?"

"If I were to tell you, We'd be here for days, Quite possibly even weeks," I said, He merely raised a single brow.

"All I know is that he hates my guts and probably wants me dead."

Right at that very moment, The Door swung open once again, and footsteps sounded until they stopped right beside me.

"Good evening Miss Carlisle, Albus." Professor McGonagall nodded in greeting. "I believe you summoned me, Something Urgent?" She asked.

"Miss Carlisle here has just brought in these notes." He said, shoving them forward. 

"She has received them from an anonymous person going by the name of La Howl, though we think it could be death threats from her father."

They both shared that look, The one look they always gave me when I was a first-year student.


"Eleazar? That Doaty ol' scrote! No offence Miss Carlisle."

"No, Go Ahead, Call him whatever you like, I don't give a shit what he thinks," I said, receiving another look from the both of them. 

Dumbledore shook his head slowly, shooting me another look of disappointment... Again.

"What I meant to say was, I hate him just as much as you do, If not more so..."

A Nod of agreement from both, Then a slight smile.

"He deserves every bad name you could think of, really."

"He's really gotten that bad?" McGonagall asked, I shrugged.

"Well, I haven't seen him since I was 13 so I honestly have no idea, But I wouldn't be surprised,"

One of them gazed out the window to the invisible walls guarding Hogwarts, While the other merely stared into space, frowning in thought.

"What are we to do about this, Albus?"

I too, waited for his answer, In complete silence.

He stood from his chair, Rising above the both of us when he finally spoke again.

"Increase the security, No one gets in or out unless I say so." He walked over to a bookshelf, then another. 

"We may need to prepare ourselves, Eleazar has an army of hundreds, most of which are already our enemies." He continued, moving towards the door with us following closely by.

He turned back to us, Pointing to McGonagall, And Then Me.

"I'm trusting you, Minerva, To keep an eye on this one while I'm away."

"You're leaving?" The Both of us said in unison.

"Only for a short while, Alerting the Order to also keep an eye out for him."

I paused, 'Why are they doing all this? For Me?'

"Thank you, Professor."

He nodded in answer, bowing slightly before he spoke one last time.

"Help will always be given at Hogwarts, To those who ask for it."

"But I never asked?"

"You'll understand soon enough."

And with that, He left, leaving us both confused and overwhelmed at what may happen very soon...


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