Chapter 27

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Anna's POV

Lyndsey took a plane home while Shawn is still at the hospital. I want to know what happened but I know Lyndsey won't be ready. Today is the last day of magcon South Carolina but we still have 3free days here. plus tomorrow is magcon prom. I'm so excited I can't wait to see him in his tux! I have a blue dress that matches his tie. It's going to be the best night EVERRRR I can already tell.

Right now we are getting ready for Magcon we still a couple hours but we like to be early. Cam is showering but he has been in there for ever... Speaking of it the water just turned off. FINALLYYYY but he does his hair while I shower so we compromise. I grabbed my clothes and walked right in and took off my shirt. He is standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist while staring. Oops.

"stop staring!" I said jokingly

"what if I don't want to?" he replied while smiling. He is so cute!

"whatever." I said. and I just continued knowing he was watching. I turned on the shower and as I was getting in I felt his lips on my neck.

"Cameron" I said

"sorry you can't expect me to not while you just ya know strip!" he said laughing

"I need a job! might as well practice!" I said sarcasticly

"NEVER YOUR MINE NOBODY ELSES!" He screamed. He is so protective!

I showered quickly and blowed dried my hair with the towel still wrapped around me. Afterwards I put on my light high waisted jean shorts with one of the longer red
croptops. I loosely curled my long thick brown hair. I applied my light makeup and red lipstick. I added red vans to my outfit and pearl earrings. I walked out and cam was laying on the bed on his phone probably following girls! I climbed up on him and sat on his torso.

"Hey cutie!" I said. looking down at him. He logged off and placed his phone on the table.

"Hey you look absolutely gorgeous!" he said kissing my cheek, he doesn't like kissing me when I have lipstick on because he says it feels weird! He is weird but understandable.

"Thank you, how much longer do we have till we have to be down there?" I asked

"About an hour." he said

"you know we don't have to go to sound check?" I said grinning at him.

"does that mean you can take your lipstick off and reapply it later?" he said and I hoped off and ran into the bathroom and quickly took off the bright red lipstick. I ran back in and he was standing there. I instantly slammed my lips into his and then after a little bit of our lips moving in sync I pulled off and rested my head on his.

"Better?" I asked looking up at him.

"better then ever before!" he said and kissed me again.

"I love you" I whispered through the kiss. then kissed him again immediatly after not giving him a chance to say it back. I felt him smile.

"I love you too!" he said and kissed me again while picking me up by the waist. we were now a 90dg angle.

"TUMBLR MOMENT" I screamed! He put me down and I rose back up on my tippy toes so I could reach his lips. By now I should have great calfs since we kiss so much.

"your to tall." I said. the back of my legs hurt from being on my tippy toes.

"Haha you're perfect size!" he said. I pulled him over to the bathroom I put my make up box on the ground and I stood on it. I was a good 4inches taller then him now.

"Kiss me now." I said as he laughed and got on his tippy toes and pecked my lips then fell over.

"I can't do it." he laughed

"I do everytime we kiss so suck it up!" I laughed and brought his face up to mine.
I kissed his forehead. I the. got off the box and sat on the bed.

"I like being the guy. Can we trade positions?" I asked laughing

"Nope! but I will pick you up every time we kiss Standing up now though!" he said laughing then sitting next to me and he kissed me. this time was different though. It felt like the first time the electricity. I loved it!


sorry this was a filler chapter! I haven't updated in a while so I decided to. I've just been busy with summer things! But Jacob followed my personal twitter today. I cried but ya! (twitter: Thotxdallas). ~LIZZIE😎✌️

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